?rī-k???as te ?ira? pātu

vaiku??ha? ka??ham eva hi

?vetadvīpa-pati? kar?au

nāsika? yaj?a-rūpa-dh?k

May ?rī K???a protect Your head. May Lord Vaiku??ha protect Your neck. May the Lord of ?vetadvīpa protect Your ears. May Lord Yaj?a protect Your nose.

n?si?ho netra-yugma? ca

jihvā? da?arathātmaja?

adharāv avatā? te tu

nara-nārāyanāv ??ī

May Lord N?si?ha protect Your two eyes. May Lord Rāma protect Your tongue. May Lord Nara-Nārāya?a ??i protect Your lips.

kapolau pāntu te sāk?āt

sanakādyā? kalā hare?

bhala? te sveta-vārāho

nārado bhrū-late 'vatu

May the four Kumāras. who are Lord Hari's kalā expansions, protect Your cheeks. May Lord ?veta Varāha protect Your forehead. May Lord Nārada protect the two vines of Your eyebrows.

cibuka? kapila? pātu

dattātreya uro 'vatu

skandhau dvāv ??abha? pātu

karau matsya? prapātu te

May Lord Kapila protect Your chin. May Lord Dattātreya protect Your chest. May Lord ??abha protect both Your shoulders. May Lord Matsya protect Your hands.

dor-da??a? satata? rak?et

p?thu? p?thula-vikrama?

udara? kama?ha? pātu

nābhi? dhanvantari? ca te

May powerful Lord P?thu always protect Your arms. May Lord Kūrma protect Your abdomen. May Lord Dhanvantari protect Your navel.

mohinī guhya-de?a? ca

ka?i? te vāmano 'vatu

p???ha? para?urāma? ca

tavorū bādarāya?a?

May ?rīmatī Mohinī protect Your private parts. My Lord Vāmana protect Your hips. May Lord Para?urāma protect Your back. May Lord Vyāsa protect Your thighs.

balo jānu-dvaya? pātu

ja?ghe buddha? prapātu te

padau pātu sa-gulphau ca

kalkir dharma-pati? prabhu?

May Lord Balarāma protect Your knees. May Lord Buddha protect Your shins. May Lord Kalki, the master of religion, protect Your ankles and feet.

sarva-rak?ā-kara? divya?

?rī-k???a-kavaca? param

ida? bhagavatā datta?

brahma?e nābhi-pa?kaje

The Supreme Personality of Godhead gave this glorious and transcendental ?rī K???a-kavaca (armor of Lord K???a), which gives all protection, to the demigod Brahmā on the lotus flower of His navel.

brahma?ā ?ambhave datta?

?ambhur durvāsase dadau

durvāsā? ?rī-ya?omatyai

prādāc chrī-nanda-mandire

Then Brahmā gave it to Lord ?iva. Lord ?iva gave it to Durvāsā Muni. Durvāsā Muni gave it to ?rī Ya?odā in ?rī Nanda's palace.


dāmodara? pātu pādau

jānūni vistara-?ravā?

ūrū pātu harir nābhi?

paripūr?atama? svayam

May Lord Dāmodara protect Your feet. May Lord Vistara?ravā protect Your knees. May Lord Hari protect Your thighs. May the Supreme Personality of Godhead protect Your navel.

ka?i? rādhā-pati? pātu

pīta-vāsas tavodaram

h?daya? padma-nābha? ca

bhujau govardhanoddhara?

May the Lord of Rādhā protect Your hips. May the Lord who wears yellow garments protect Your abdomen. May the Lord whose navel is a lotus flower protect Your chest. May the Lord who lifted Govardhana Hill protect Your arms.

mukha? ca mathurā-nātho

dvārake?a? ?iro 'vatu

p???ha? pātv asura-dhva?sī

sarvato bhagavān svayam

May the Lord of Mathurā protect Your face. May the Lord of Dvārakā protect Your head. May the Lord who kills the demons protect Your back. May the Supreme Personality of Godhead give You all protection.

?loka-trayam ida? stotra?

ya? pa?hen mānava? sadā

mahā-saukhya? bhavet tasya

na bhaya? vidyate kvacit

A human being who regularly recites this prayer of three verses will always be very happy. He will never fear.


