Open-source Text-to-Speech Latency Benchmark
Running fast doesn’t help when you start late The Open-Source Text-to-Speech Latency Benchmark proves the responsiveness of Orca Streaming Text-to-Speech.
Let ChatGPT talk 10X faster
Orca Streaming Text-to-Speech is a voice generator developed for LLM applications. It concurrently synthesizes speech as LLMs compose their responses. https://picovoice.ai/blog/orca-true-streaming-tts/ https://picovoice.ai/platform/orca/ https://picovoice.ai/docs/orca/
On-device Text-to-Speech in Python to build real-time AI agents with low latency
Follow along to learn to achieve low-latency, on-device voice generators for real-time AI-powered applications. https://picovoice.ai/blog/on-device-text-to-speech-in-python/ https://picovoice.ai/docs/quick-start/orca-python/ https://picovoice.ai/platform/orca/
PADRI TTS — `Plan Ahead, Don't Rush It` Text-to-Speech
The video shows a real-world voice-to-voice interaction with ChatGPT. The interaction begins with Picovoice's Cheetah Streaming Speech-to-Text transcribing the user's speech in real-time. The transcribed text is then sent to GPT 3.5 using OpenAI Chat Completion API to generate a response. Finally, the LLM's response is synthesized into speech using Picovoice's Orca Streaming Text-to-Speech and OpenAI TTS to compare their latency.