Invest With Confidence Using P2 iLandMan's Proposed Wells Tool
Your company is developing a new drilling schedule and you want to make sure your leasing efforts match not only with geology but also with your lender's investment objectives. Investors today require a more disciplined approach for lending money. P2 iLandMan has created a new tool to show your decision makers and capital investors the potential revenue opportunity in proposed well laterals.
View Your Acreage Position By Depth Instantly With P2 iLandMan
Are you ready to take your meetings to the next level? Wouldn’t it be nice to show a live presentation of your acreage position instead of spending hours preparing a static slideshow? In a recent planning meeting, you are asked about your company’s acreage position in the Atoka formation in the Oklahoma Scoop Stack. Using the personalized dashboard in iLandMan, you showed this instantly, eliminating the need to search through files or wait for someone else to provide the number.
Keyword Search Thousands of Land Files Instantly With P2 iLandMan
Doesn’t land have enough to do when it comes to managing due diligence, lease maintenance, and drilling schedules without having to comb through documents for required information? Whether you’re looking for specific language in a lease, a certain provision, finding a name, or more, P2 iLandMan has an optical character recognition tool that makes thousands of uploaded documents easily searchable.