Data Science Products & Tools
Having a granular view of what is happening and when on your marketplace is key for any kind of successful growth strategy. This is only achieved with careful and thorough data acquisition. Which is critical from the outset when building and scaling a marketplace.
Autoprice interface
Our API plugs effortlessly into your online B2B car auction site providing your users with accurate retail pricing for each vehicle listing along with an indication of how many similar (make & model) vehicles are onsale within 100kms of the user's location.
Introducing Autoprice - video explainer
Autoprice is a revolutionary API that brings AI retail price predictions and a view of the competitive landscape for vehicles DIRECTLY into your online B2B car auction. For each lot on your marketplace you can give your users a view on potential margin and how many vehicles of the same make and model are within 100kms of their registered business premises with Autoprice.