Sewer Line Cleaning
According to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there are over 40,000 sanitary sewer overflows per year with 48% of overflows directly related to sewer main blockages. Approximately 47% of blockages are related to the improper disposal of Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) into the sewer system. To minimize the impact on the environment and to help agencies manage overflows, Nobel Systems has developed a suite of dynamic applications to simplify governmental regulatory and compliance.
IoT Sewer Line Cleaning
Manual reporting is labor-intensive and costly. Nobel Systems' cloud-based solutions can greatly enhance the reporting process by automatically generating and sending reports. The Sewer Line Cleaning lists the line segments that need cleaning and visually displays them on a color-coded map. Red shows line segments due for cleaning beyond an acceptable tolerance, e.g., 15 days, yellow identifies segments due for cleaning within acceptable limits, and green show lines that do not need cleaning.