Introducing INCITE 2022
Steve Madden's Noura Shehabledin
In Jodi's latest episode of Retail Rockstars she sits down with Noura Shehabeldin, Steve Madden's National Training Manager, to discuss how the fashion shoe retailer leveraged INCITE through the pandemic.
Retail Rockstars: Ardene Takes Over The Stage
Meet Fil Farinaccio D’Urbano, Chief Mindfulness Officer| Head of People and Culture and Marie-Laurence Gordon, Sr HR Advisor, Training & Change Management as they share their insights with Jodi on why their retail training courses are so effective. (Aired LIVE September 8, 2021)
Brooks Brothers' Marcus Sberna
In Jodi's latest episode of Retail Rockstars she sits down with Marcus Sberna, Brooks Brothers' Training Manager, to discuss how the 201 year old retailer leverages so much rich history to empower associates.
Retail Rockstar David Yurman's Ashlyn Shawah
Jodi's guest for this episode of Retail Rockstars is Ashlyn Shawah, David Yurman's Senior Manager Retail Education/Communication. Hear Ashlyn discuss how this global brand leverages INCITE for their field and wholesale teams.