DynaFlex II POS Secure Card Reader
DynaFlex II products are PCI PTS 6.x certified and come standard with more features and functionality; and are ready to accept magnetic stripe cards, barcodes, EMV (Contact Chip and Contactless), and NFC enabled mobile wallets. DynaFlex II PED provides a responsive touchscreen with manual entry and PIN on Glass for POS and banking applications.
DynaFlex Family - Secure Card Reader Authenticator
DynaFlex products are ready to launch your payment environment to the next level. All DynaFlex products offer an integrated secure card reader authenticator for magnetic stripe cards, EMV chip cards (contact and contactless), and NFC enabled mobile wallets including Samsung Pay, Google Pay, and Apple Pay?. DynaFlex Pro devices offer a color touchscreen display for added convenience. DynaFlex II PED products additionally offer PIN acceptance.