Zen Video Demo
Learn how to use Zen's join and match-rows directives to simplify customer management in a spreadsheet. With automated SQL joins, there is no need for brittle VLOOKUPs or struggling with a confusing INDEX-MATCH.
Zen for Google Sheets
Zen gives you all the missing tools you never knew you wanted in Google Sheets. Zen is a spreadsheet overlay that provides advanced computational directives to Google Sheets and Excel. Zen users can design spreadsheets as executable functions. Zen supports several computational directives. With Zen, users can perform copies, joins, outer joins, cross joins, and cell drag downs with button clicks. Zen's UI makes these complex data transformations accessible to both experts and novices alike.
Directives List
Choose a Zen directive to apply to one or more worksheets. Zen supports several relational and transformative directives with more coming every week! Automate worksheet joins, outer joins, cartesian products, copying, and drag downs with just a few button clicks!
Join Directive
Perform a SQL-like join of related worksheets with just a few button clicks.
Match Rows Directive
Perform automated drag downs of worksheets. The match-rows directive will automatically match the number of rows in related worksheets. In effect, when one worksheet's data row count changes, the other worksheet will be matched to the same number of rows.