Visualize Everything - Secure Diagramming in Confluence with draw.io
The world is visual, and so is the workplace. Organizations and teams need visualization. And they need it in a safe, centralized environment in a way that allows real collaboration and provides full transparency. draw.io offers a powerful solution that everyone in an organization can take advantage of, both for idea development and to present complex information while keeping your diagram data securely stored within Confluence. We'll take you on an exploration of the world of draw.io and show
Getting started with draw.io diagrams in Atlassian Confluence
Everything you need to know to get started with draw.io for Confluence. Learn how to: - Insert a new draw.io diagram on a Confluence page. - Create a new diagram using a template. - Select multiple shapes. - Add and style shapes, connectors, and text. - Duplicate and replace shapes. - Add an image to a custom library. - Export a draw.io diagram. - Save your draw.io diagram and return to the Confluence page editor. Learn more about diagramming with draw.io at https://www.drawio-app.com
See what's possible with draw.io diagrams in Atlassian Confluence and Jira
With draw.io you can create flow charts and process diagrams, org charts and mind maps, network and architecture diagrams, UML diagrams and mockups, floor plans, and much more, and add them to pages in Confluence and issues in Jira.Document everything in diagrams with draw.io for Confluence and Jira! Learn more about diagramming with draw.io at https://drawio-app.com/ draw.io is available on the Atlassian Marketplace - install your free trial today!
How to use connectors in draw.io diagrams
You can also have a look at our dedicated playlist on connectors in draw.io for Confluence, see https://drawio.link/connectors