Czym jest CUX? | What is CUX?
[Turn on subtitles for English version] Czy mo?na wyt?umaczy? fenomen pierwszego narz?dzia do UX Automation w 30 sekund? Oczywi?cie! ______________ Is it possible to explain the phenomenon of the first UX Automation tool in 30 seconds? Of course! ______________ https://cux.io/
Goal-oriented analytics
Find the perfectly matching goals for your project category and focus exclusively on collecting the most informative types of data. No more data spam – avoid gathering and analysis meaningless stats for your business goals.
Experience Metrics
Thanks to EM you can see rage clicks, rage key presses, zooming content or chaotic mouse movements. This will allow you to analyze –colloquially speaking – what pisses off or annoys the hell out of your users. You will get many more constructive conclusions from monitoring user frustration than from analyzing many positive recordings
UX Automation
CUX will recognize, detect and define the behavioural patterns of your users (Experience Metrics). Then it will show you how it influences UX in regard to your business goals, and will also convert hard-to-understand emotions into easily approachable metrics.