GeoHECRAS - Moving Faster
CivilGEO’s GeoHECRAS, with many new and genuinely useful features, can help you complete your HEC-RAS projects while saving more than 50% of your time. Various automated workflows—relating to the import of key geophysical data, report generation and other elements of the engineering process— in GeoHECRAS can help you create technically superior engineering projects. And neither time nor budget are compromised.
Easy to Learn and Use
Interact graphically with all HEC-RAS model elements.
2D Mesh Generation and Refinement
Create either rectangular or adaptive meshes, depending upon the project requirements.
CAD & GIS Integration
Integrate HEC-RAS directly with AutoCAD drawing files, Bentley MicroStation drawing files and ESRI ArcGIS map data.
Digital Terrain Cross Section Cutting
Extract HEC-RAS cross sections from 3D digital elevation terrain data.