GeoHECHMS Automated Stormwater Modeling Software
GeoHECHMS—stormwater modeling software from CivilGEO—is ready if you are. Intuitive. Robust. Comprehensive. Software that blends terrain surfaces with state-of-the-art engineering agility. AutoCAD, Esri, ArcGIS compatible. Designed to place civil engineers squarely in control—to plan, design, analyze and build stormwater projects in a highly detailed modeling environment.
Automated HEC-HMS Workflows
Speed up stormwater projects with automated workflows to automatically delineate watersheds, compute curve numbers (CN), compute TOC & lag times, compute % impervious, assign design storms, size detention ponds, and generate engineering reports.
Automated Watershed Delineation
Delineate subbasins and watersheds from 3D digital elevation terrain data. Utilize AutoCAD Civil 3D surfaces, MicroStation surfaces, contours, TINs, DTMs, DEMs, survey points, LiDAR, and other external digital elevation terrain data.
CAD & GIS Integration
Integrate HEC-HMS directly with AutoCAD (including AutoCAD Civil 3D), Bentley MicroStation and ESRI ArcGIS terrain data. Export completed HEC-HMS models and results to AutoCAD, MicroStation and ArcGIS.
Complete Land Use Coverage
Complete land use coverage is provided for USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and many other parts of the world. For the USA, land coverage data is provided at a 100 x 100-foot grid cell size. This makes it extremely easy to compute composite curve numbers, time of concentrations, lag times and more.