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Software used to provision a secure network layer within a distributed public server infrastructure. - Access through IP addresses, subnets, or other encrypted channels on demand - Use public cloud resources securely in an isolated, configurable environment - Enable remote access for administrators
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Work from anywhere with a fully managed and maintained virtual workspace exceeding the most stringent security and compliance requirements. Supported applications include CARET practice management platforms: AbacusLaw, Amicus Attorney and OfficeTools. Accounting applications supported include QuickBooks and Lacerte amongst many others.
Fenike is an Infrastructure as Service (IaaS) based private and hybrid cloud solution aiming to optimize productivity. It offers scalable virtual servers and high-performance distributed block and object storage solutions through always-on servers with high bandwidth and next-generation processors. - Keeps Sensitive Data Safe With Private Cloud Module "Fenike-Private" - Adapts You with Hybrid Cloud Module “Fenike-Hybrid” - Complies with regulations since physical servers are located in Turkey - Does Not Limit You - Provides Disaster Recovery Support with Multi-Location Running - Automatic Resource Creation and Scaling with Orchestration Module
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Sie ben?tigen garantierte Ressourcen, hohe Verfügbarkeit, 100% DSGVO-Compliance und haben individuelle Anforderungen für Ihre Anwendungen und Systeme? Die Next-Generation Private Cloud von Adacor ist die auf Ihre Unternehmensbedürfnisse ausgelegte Cloudl?sung. Sie verbindet Sicherheit, Flexibilit?t und Leistungsst?rke. Alle Komponenten sind virtualisiert oder als dedizierte Hardware verfügbar und k?nnen frei miteinander kombiniert werden. Die Adacor Private Cloud wird ausschlie?lich in deutschen, zertifizierten Rechenzentren betrieben. Erg?nzend zu den umfangreichen Zertifizierungen von Adacor stellt sie den passenden Baustein für eine DSGVO – sowie regulatorisch – konforme IT-Auslagerung dar. Die Adacor Private Cloud verfügt über ein sehr hohes Sicherheitsniveau, unabh?ngig davon, ob sie rein virtualisiert oder auf dedizierter Hardware betrieben wird.
Ihre eigene pers?nliche und flexible Cloud. Komplett skalierbar und sicher. DETAILS - Eigenes Virtuelles Netzwerk (Eigenes VLAN, volle Bandbreite bis auf Portebene) - Floating IP4 & IPv6 Adressen auf Wunsch - Firewall und Switch Redundanz - Managed Firewall Services - 1 Gbit Anbindung Internet (bis 10Gbit m?glich) - DDoS BGP L3 Protection (100Mbit Clean Traffic) - Dashboard für Virtuelle Server, Kubernetes, Loadbalancer, uvm. zu verwalten - Site-to-Site VPN Anbindung m?glich - Produkt kann erweitert werden mit Nextcloud, 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung (2FA von Entrust), und Backup & Disaster Recovery (Acronis)
Windows VPS Server Intel Silver / AMD Epyc 8 Core Processor 32 GB RAM 500 GB NVME Storage 1 IP Address 1 GBPS Unlimited Bandwidth Sophos Intercept X Advanced Managed Services ?6,500.00 /Month ?3 Year ?4,000/M
Our fully managed private cloud hosting reduces complexity without compromising on security and efficiency. Powered by VMware, our private cloud is fully secure, encrypted and hosted within our compliant data centres across the globe. With separation between the network, computer and storage layers, our private cloud solution is best suited to demanding workloads and data that have challenging compliance, regulatory and data sovereignty requirements. By choosing private cloud hosting with Hyve, you can concentrate on tasks that provide real business value, while having the confidence that your critical systems are managed, protected and monitored by our team of experts, 24/7. Features of Managed Private Cloud: Global presence Extra-mile support High availability First-class security Rapid hardware replacement Resilient power & cooling