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Software used to provide reporting and administrative functions for Christian religious organizations. - Maintain member database and track member engagement - Coordinate fundraising, volunteer work, events, and outreach - Organize back-office functions such as accounting, inventory, and payroll - Use online options for mailings, registration, payments, and communications
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Web Synergies' Church Management System - a thoroughly tested & proven Church Management Solution from Web Synergies. This portal is a comprehensive solution to streamline the Church operations like Member's profile, capturing newcomer records, membership data collection, manage member profiles and track the service meetings and attendance, etc.
ISIDOR – die Fachsoftware für kirchliche Digitalisierungsprojekte Ihre Vorteile: ? selbstaktualisierende Adressen für Post, E-Mail und Serienbrief ? vollautomatische Personalverzeichnisse und Statistiken ? Zeitersparnis durch Automatisierung von Datenpflegeprozessen ? Personalaufwand wird signifikant reduziert ? Abbau redundanter Systeme durch zentrale Datenpflege ? vollst?ndiges Datenmodell für Kirche und Wohlfahrt Bausteinprinzip: ? lizenzieren Sie nur die Komponenten, die Sie wirklich ben?tigen
The church app platform was created to help you engage with the community you’ve worked so hard to build and serve. Enable members to take interactive sermon notes, listen to messages on the go, access small group material, check the prayer list, engage with your real time church newsfeed, give a donation, and much more.
Programa de gest?o da catequese O Christian Life é um programa de gest?o da catequese já implantado em algumas paróquias e centros de catequese. O programa disp?e ainda de duas aplica??es para os escuteiros e Movimento Juvenil Salesiano. Trata-se de colocar a tecnologia ao servi?o da evangeliza??o. é um programa com muitas potencialidades, aberto a desenvolver novas aplica??es em fun??o e a pedido das paróquias, centro de catequese, escuteiros…"
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Temple In-sales & Reconciliation Utility Refulgence Inc overrides with TIRU PRO, our paramount product that manages all the reconciliation inside the temple. On special auspicious day temple is the place where large number of devotees arrive for worshipping God, in this situation scheduling of mythological deeds such as Archanai for god, offerings, prasadam, ubayams, distinctive prayer (poojai) turn into messy particularly considering it involves in money. So Refulgence Inc came up with this competent product that is premeditated for temples to eradicate the tragedy of cohesive sales in the course of the period of worshipping. TIRU PRO accomplishes accurate systematized measures by producing tickets for Archanai, pre-bookings for other worship times that are absolutely computerized and with instant day closuring statistics report. TIRU has a powerful Admin control that manages and customizes mythic engagements as per the deities of the temples.
innosolvchurch ist ein modular aufgebautes, leicht bedienbares IT-System, speziell entwickelt für Kirchen. Mit innosolvchurch erhalten Sie eine Plattform für Personen, Unternehmen und Vertr?ge. Darauf basierend betreuen Sie Ihre Mitglieder, bew?ltigen das Gebühren- und Kurswesen. Sie erledigen viele Aufgaben einfacher und schneller. Software von innosolv ist in der Schweiz weit verbreitet. Das System erfüllt alle gesetzlichen Vorgaben und ist konsequent ausgerichtet auf eCH-Standards.
ParrocchieMap / Orari Messe è una proposta “tecnologica”,un servizio rivolto alle Diocesi e alle Parrocchie italiane per facilitare la pubblicazione su internet di un vero e proprio Atlante Web nazionale delle Parrocchie e dei loro servizi sul territorio. Si rivolge ? ai vicini, consentendo ai parroci di informare via internet il programma della settimana ai propri parrocchiani ? ai lontani: pensiamo agli abitanti delle città, sempre più abituati a ricorre ad internet per cercare servizi, come quelli per l’educazione religiosa, per la formazione e per il tempo libero di cui le parrocchie sono ricche il tempo libero di cui le parrocchie sono ricche ? ai turisti interessati all’orario della Santa Messa o alle chiese dip g regio storico e artistico ? agli addetti ai lavori offre anche i riferimenti alle suddivisioni pastorali e, in futuro, ai confini parrocchiali, uno strumento essenziale per la lettura socio religiosa del territorio.
V interact is here to help Churches power all their digital communications. Now you can manage your website, app, giving and post directly to social media. The savings in time and money are huge by partnering with us and all this in one powerful, easy to use CMS! It’s time to work smarter. We built V interact to make communication easier for churches and Not for Profits. We observed these organisations scrambling to manage how they communicate across a variety and growing number of digital platforms. We saw the frustration this was causing, and the additional workload required to keep content up to date and the audience engaged. This was demanding more on organisational resources and distracting away from their frontline mission. We could see there was a better way! V interact.....One powerful platform to manage it all!