Broker vs. Exchange. How to Run a Successful Crypto Brokerage House
Join Andrew Matushkin, Head of Global Business Development at B2Broker, for his keynote speech where he explains the difference between Brokers and Exchanges, discusses essential elements of a crypto brokerage, explains liquidity aggregation, and reveals how B2Broker's solutions can benefit your business. Learn what it takes to run a successful crypto brokerage house and get the most out of your operations!
The Best Tech & Marketing Tips to Start Your Brokerage Business
Our CEO Arthur Azizov and CDO John Murillo joined the bitcoin.com podcast, discussing the differences between exchange and brokerage companies and the challenges startups face. As market experts, Arthur and John talk about the recent trends for crypto brokerage companies and the common mistakes many of them make. Tune in for more information and learn the three ways to launch your brokerage company.
Components you Need to Run an Online Broker
In his keynote speech, Ivan Navodnyy, Chief Product Officer of B2Broker Group, dives deep into the technology and components that brokerages need to run a successful multi-asset business. Ivan discusses how single-asset and multi-asset brokerages differ, as well as what brokers need to know about trading platforms, CRM, payment and KYC/AML systems, liquidity, and website development. He also explores the importance of liquidity aggregation and distribution for brokerages and talks about the vari
Brokerage Business Scaling Strategies
Learn how to establish a successful FX & crypto brokerage business with Pamela Linaldi, B2Broker's Business Development Manager! Hear her insights on the main challenges and risks for brokers, why having an ecosystem approach is essential for scalability, and how B2Broker's liquidity and technology solutions can help you succeed.
Brokerage Business. Regulation and Licensing Challenges
In this video, B2Broker's Chief Strategy Officer Alexey Tsepaev reviews regulation and licensing challenges in the brokerage business and describes the current legislation levels: international standards (IOSCO, IAIS, BASEL), supranational regulation (EU), local legislation. He also explains the classification of licenses depending on the type of market and business activity, as well as other criteria that brokers should consider to raise the level and reputation of the business.