Radar graph - Security maturity comparsion
The radar graph compares security maturity or the company's baseline vs the industry peers or other business units within the same organization.
NIST Capability Heatmap
The colours reflect the company's NIST standard maturity compared to the industry peers. Green is equal or more, and other colours are lower maturity representations.
Security maturity comparison
This compares the company's security maturity and compliance baseline comparison over time.
Predefined Assessment templates
Security assessment and demonstration tool has pre-defined templates for known standards such as NIST, ISO and SCHREM 2 etc.
Measure the performance using Automated metrics (KPIs, KRIs)
Security performance management dashboard helps an organization define, publish, track and measure security KPIs and KRIs. The dashboard is consumable to the board, leadership, security, and technology teams. It creates insights for executives and technology teams and assist in tracking security performance.