Automated Scoring
Send text, images, audio, or video for analysis based on our contextual AI models, fueled by the intelligence of over 150 in-house domain and linguistic experts. For each item, our engine will generate a risk score between 1-100 indicating how likely it is to be violative, providing indicators and a description of the identified violations to make human decisions easier and faster.
Quick Setup
Integrate one API to start using our AI-driven automated detection. Add risk thresholds aligned to your policy, so that high-risk items will be automatically removed and benign items ignored: minimizing human review to only those items that require it.
Ongoing Optimization
Improve accuracy with a continuous, adaptive feedback loop that automatically trains our AI and adjusts risk scores based on every moderation decision.
Granular Explainability
Detect what others miss with contextual AI that incorporates surrounding metadata for optimal quality and performance. Access context and information in one place by understanding why an item is violative to enable more accurate decisions.