THE Fastest route!
This always makes me wonder: Brachistochrone curve. THE Fastest route! A brachistochrone curve is the path that a particle will follow under the influence of gravity between two points in the shortest time possible. This path is also known as the "path of quickest descent." It is important to note that the brachistochrone curve is not necessarily the shortest distance between the two points, but rather the path that allows the particle to reach the second point in the least amount of time. This concept is often studied in the field of calculus of variations. It is also a path that a particle will travel in the shortest time between two points under the influence of a uniform gravitational field. This path is a curve of constant slope, which means that the particle will travel along the curve at a constant speed. This is because the gravitational force is always perpendicular to the curve, so the particle will not experience any acceleration or deceleration along the curve. The Brachistochrone curve was first studied by Johann Bernoulli in the 17th century, and it remains an important concept in the study of classical mechanics. Video Source: @donttrythis (Twitter) @Engineering and Architecture, Engrandarch #mehrtashsoltani