Recurring Reminders for Digital Signature- now live in Wunderite.
It costs 5 minutes to write the average email. Multiply that by # of customers. Agents can save hundreds of hours automating mundane tasks. Our team at Wunderite released recurring reminders for digital signature yesterday--a top requested feature that can save a typical agency $4,000 / year. If you are an insurance agent, your office is collectively sending hundreds of signatures each week. First you gotta fill in a form, then draft a signature document, send, follow up, and attach to your AMS. We literally have the data: you can save hundreds of hours a year automating this mundane task. It works great for all agencies. And best with AMS360 (and ImageRight too). Wunderite is the only vertical forms AND signature solution branded to your agency that directly integrates with AMS360 and ImageRight -- now with recurring reminders for both forms and digital signature. Check it out ??