One of the big themes I’ve noticed from my connections this year (and… frankly, for what seems like a lot of years now…) is that everyone is under near constant pressure to accomplish more with less.
If you can relate and you host or exhibit at trade shows, I’ve got a webinar recording for you!
* Here's the link -
In the first half of this session, I share tips to help exhibitors understand:
- how limited resources impact exhibitors
- what exhibitors can do to maximize their limited resources right now (e.g. if your trade show is coming up in the next month or so)
- what exhibitors can do to maximize their limited resources in the future (e.g. if your trade show is coming up sometime later next year)
In the second half of this session, I flip it around and share tips to help organizers help their exhibitors, explaining:
- how exhibitors’ limited resources impact organizers
- what organizers can do to help their exhibitors maximize limited resources now
- what organizers can do to help their exhibitors maximize limited resources later
When you get into the recording, you’ll be able to watch it straight through (or, to save time, skip ahead to the section(s) you’re most interested in). Enjoy!
* This is a scheduled post, as I’m starting my walk from Key Largo to Key West today… wish me luck :)
Looking forward to this event!