iLogistics Center from cargo-partner
Great to see KTH Trailer GmbH’s trailer of the week is Talson Trailer B.V.’s TAG TAL Air Cargo Box Trailer! ?? ?? The TAG Tal Air Cargo Box Trailer is fitted with our Pneumatic Rollertrack (PRT) system. This system’s rollers use pneumatic technology to rise and easily load/unload air cargo such as ULDs, and then lower to secure the load in place safely. ?? In addition, the Auto Down Safety feature ensures that the rollers lower into the floor automatically once driving begins to ensure load security. The rollerbed also comes with pallet stoppers, which protect the front wall of the trailer and offer maximum load security whilst driving. ?? Our twin rollers can be used in this trailer, which offer easy handling of air cargo containers, and are low height, which will maximise the internal trailer height. ???? If you would like to safely and quickly load and unload air cargo into your trailer, visit: #Logistics #AirCargoHandling #TruckLoading #TrailerLoading #LoadingSolution
?? Unser Trailer der Woche: Der Talson Trailer B.V. TAG TAL Air Cargo Kofferauflieger – jetzt neu im Lager! ?? Effizienz, Flexibilit?t und Langlebigkeit – unser Talson TAG TAL Air Cargo Kofferauflieger hat alles, was moderne Luftfracht-Logistik erfordert. Mit dem Joloda Hydraroll Rollenboden und den TALFIX Panels bietet dieser Trailer eine mühelose Frachtbewegung und flexible Ladungssicherung. Dank zus?tzlichem Equipment kann er auch als Kleider- oder Doppelstock-Kofferauflieger genutzt werden. ?? Warum dieser Trailer überzeugt: ?? Robust und langlebig: Der selbsttragende, genietete Aluminium-Kofferaufbau sorgt für niedrige Life Cycle Costs. Reparaturen sind im Handumdrehen erledigt. ?? Hohe Qualit?t als Standard: Feuerverzinktes Chassis, Edelstahl-Werkzeugkasten und Talson Containertüren – für maximale Langlebigkeit. ?? Mehr als nur Trailer: Bei KTH-Trailer bieten wir umfassende Ersatzteil- und Reparaturservices sowie eine st?ndig wachsende Mietflotte für alle Anforderungen im Luftfracht-Bereich. Wir von KTH-Trailer GmbH sind Ihr Partner für effiziente und zuverl?ssige Transportl?sungen. Besuchen Sie uns und entdecken Sie, wie z.B. unser Talson TAG TAL Air Cargo Ihr Business voranbringt! ?? Als offizieller H?ndler der TIRSAN SOLUTIONS Gruppe, bieten wir Ihnen auch Air Cargo Planen Auflieger der Marke K?ssbohrer. #AirCargo #Logistics #TransportSolutions #KTHTrailer #TrailerDerWoche #Luftfracht #talson #k?ssbohrer
The importance of close collaboration with the right 3PL partner.
Maximize your savings & customer experience. FIEGE delivers tailored warehousing, transport, and parcel logistics. We optimize your supply chain for peak performance. Reach out to me:
Du willst wissen, wie wir die Ersatzteillogistik für Bobcat EMEA auf das n?chste Level heben? ???????? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????? ?????????????????? ???????????? ?????????????????? ???????? ??????????! ?? Dominik Doppel, Manager External Operations bei Bobcat EMEA, bringt es darin auf den Punkt: ??????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ??????????,? ?????? ?????????????????? ???????? ?????????????? ???? ?????? ???????????????? ?????? ????? ?????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ???????????? ??????????? – ?????? ??????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????? ???????? ???? ?????????????? ????????????????????.“ Ein Beispiel dafür, wie wir Prozesse optimieren und neu denken: Wir haben vor Ort eine ???????????????????? ?????????????????????? aufgebaut – nur eine von vielen Ma?nahmen, mit denen wir für Bobcat EMEA echte Mehrwerte schaffen. Das Ergebnis? ? ???????????????????? ????????ü???????????????? durch verkürzte Durchlaufzeiten ? ??????????? ???????????????????????, um individuelle Anforderungen optimal zu erfüllen ? ???????? ????????????????????????????, indem wir recycelte Materialien verwenden ?? ???????? ??????????????????, ???????????????????? ???????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????? ???????????? – ?????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ????????????????! Schreib einfach ?????? ???????????????? in die Kommentare und ich sende Dir die Case Study als Smart Link zu – entdecke, wie wir gemeinsam mit Bobcat EMEA neue Ma?st?be in der Logistik setzen. Ein Filmteam hat Tobias und mich am Standort Halle/Leipzig begleitet, um unsere innovativen L?sungen und Best Practices zu dokumentieren. Der Trailer ist nur ein kleiner Vorgeschmack – das vollst?ndige Video gibt’s in einer Woche hier! Schaut ihn euch gerne schonmal an und gebt Tobi und mir ein ehrliches Feedback.? ?? Ein gro?es Dankesch?n an Dominik für das Vertrauen in uns und die hervorragende Zusammenarbeit! Ein herzliches Dankesch?n natürlich auch an Tobi, meinen Partner in Crime bei FIEGE, Markus und sein Team am Standort, Sarah, Kati & ihr Team, sowie an alle, die dieses gro?artige Projekt m?glich gemacht und unterstützt haben! ?? ??
The project BROSS together with MMG - Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH is widening the scientific horizon for the fatigue and reliability of Cu based cast materials with regard to influences coming from manufcaturing, corrosion and very high load cycles.
Halbzeit bei BROSS - Im Projekt beantworten wir die Frage, wie k?nnen die unterschiedlichen Einflüsse im Rahmen der Bauteilbemessung berücksichtigt werden? Das Ziel ist, einen zuverl?ssigen und ausfallfreien Betrieb der maritimen Bauteile – auch bei Variation einzelner Einflussgr??en – zu gew?hrleisten.? Mehr zum Projekt: Gef?rdert vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Bross - zuverl?ssige und ausfallfreie maritime Bauteile
Re-Think European Railfreight ! I was positively surprised by the new approach of ERMEWA SA to bring short-coupled 2-axle-wagons for parcel or pallet transport in operation... The use of articulated wagon units could contribute to more (cost-)efficient and competitive rail freight transport: A reduced number of bogies and couplers and, as a result less weight, less costs and an easy opportunity to be consistently digitized and electrified. The fact that 10% more cargo can be transported by reducing the empty space between two wagons (as Peter Reinshagen announces) is also an important factor in increasing efficiency.
‘Digitalisation - but the right way!’ - #PROSE at the Siegburg exchange of experience on locomotive maintenance Next week, the specialist conference on locomotive maintenance will take place in Siegburg - a central industry meeting point for manufacturers, system providers, rental companies, railway operators and workshops. The main topic this time is ‘Digitalisation - but the right way!’. The focus is on how digital technologies can be meaningfully integrated into maintenance processes in order to increase efficiency and safety. #PROSE is proud to be actively involved - among other things with a presentation by Dr. Bernhard Frei, Director Corporate Development at #PROSE. He will talk about successful ECM approaches for historic vehicles. #PROSE is pleased to participate in this event, where practical best practice examples will be shared and solutions for collaboration will be developed. With a structured exchange of experiences and topics such as bar camp sessions, the conference promotes networking and provides valuable insights into the future direction of the industry. Interested? Buy your ticket here ??: BahnVerstand – Beratung im Schienenverkehr #shapingtomorrowsmobility #Siegburg #exchange #experience #locomotive #maintenance #specialist #conference #digitalisation #digital #technologies #ECM #event #future
Baltic Agro: Increased Picking Performance by 70% How to ensure that the existing warehouse space can store more goods than before? How to become more modern and efficient? How to make the best use of the warehouse space up to the ceiling? In the search for solutions, the SSI LOGIMAT? vertical lift module was the logical answer, implemented by Baltic Agro Machinery in Latvia. Modernized Spare Parts Warehouse - a Logical Step Towards Future Plans How to ensure that the existing warehouse space can store more goods than before? How to become more modern and efficient? How to make the best use of the warehouse space up to the ceiling? In the search for solutions, the SSI LOGIMAT? vertical lift module was the logical answer, implemented by Baltic Agro Machinery in Latvia. Considerations regarding the expansion of the warehouse Baltic Agro Machinery (BA Machinery) has been operating in Latvia for more than twenty years and is engaged in the sale and after-sales services of agricultural, forestry, construction, and road-building machinery. There are around 15,000 various items of goods stored in the existing warehouse to ensure everyday services and adequate supply to the service centers. They are located in two buildings, covering a total area of 2,000 m2. The company faced challenges on its path of implementing plans, as it was clear that the existing warehouse capacity would not be able to provide the required goods storage density; besides, it is necessary to accelerate the product selection processes, while at the same time eliminating the number of potential selection errors. Finally, the aim was also to become more modern in terms of integrating processes with the existing goods inventory and accounting system. The question was: how to solve it? Find out more: #balticagro #ssischaefer #casestudy #ssilogimat #efficiency #picking #warehouseequipment #thinktomorrow
Verbesserte Kommissionierung bei Lettlands Baltic Agro Machinery! Seit über zwei Jahrzehnten ist BA Machinery stolz darauf, die lettische Land- und Forstwirtschaft zu versorgen. Die Herausforderung, die Lagerkapazit?t zu erweitern und die Prozesse zu verbessern, führte zur Suche nach innovativen L?sungen. Die Installation zweier SSI LOGIMAT Lagerlifte zusammen mit WAMAS Lift & Store half ihnen, ihre Ziele zu erreichen: - Verbesserung der Kommissioniergeschwindigkeit um 70% - Reduzierung der Kommissionierfehler auf nahezu Null - Einsparung von Bodenfl?che und Erh?hung der Lagerkapazit?t - Verbesserung der Effizienz im Produktauswahlprozess - Einführung digitalisierter Prozesse Dank ergonomischer Verbesserungen und modernster Technologie arbeitet Baltic Agro Machinery nun effizienter und komfortabler. Wir sind stolz darauf, ein zuverl?ssiger Partner auf dieser Reise zu sein! Erfahren Sie mehr über das Implementierungsprojekt: #SSISchaefer #SSILogimat #WarehouseManagement #WarehouseStorage
???“Heavy-Duty”?#Transformation? ???–?#Fleets?in Motion April 18/19, 2024 in?#Munich?HANDELSBLATT Annual Conference?#Commercial?Vehicles #fleet?operators discuss with political decision-makers,?#infrastructure?providers and experts from the?#vehicle?industry how the development of?#infrastructure?can gain momentum! ???current developments in emissions and?#environmental?regulations ???#Strategies?of vehicle manufacturers to transform fleets ???Provider of the?#supply?infrastructure re the future of logistics ???#Transportation?companies and stakeholders in the transport and logistics industry about?#Practical?experiences and challenges.
Business Development @ DAKO GmbH | Diplom-Kaufmann, Innovation & Cooperation Strategy | Digital - Energy - Logistics
?? ?Heavy-Duty“ #Transformation ?? – #Flotten in Bewegung 18./19.04.2024 in #München HANDELSBLATT Jahrestagung #Nutzfahrzeuge #Flottenbetreiber diskutieren mit politischen Entscheidungstr?gern, #Infrastrukturanbietern und Experten der #Fahrzeugindustrie, wie der Aufbau der #Infrastruktur Fahrt aufnehmen kann! ?? aktuelle Entwicklungen bei?Abgas- und #Umweltvorschriften?vor ?? #Strategien der Fahrzeughersteller zur Transformation der Flotten ?? Anbieter der #Versorgungsinfrastruktur zur Zukunft der Logistik ?? #Transportunternehmer und Interessensvertreter der?Transport- und Logistikbranche?über #Praxiserfahrungen und Herausforderungen Moderatoren: Markus Fasse – Handelsblatt Markus Schell – BPW Bergische Achsen KG Referenten: Eric Ahlers – Netze BW GmbH Clarisa Doval – Continental Tires Maximilian Draxler – hylane Prof. Dr. Dirk Engelhardt – Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL) e.V. Thomas Fabian – European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA) Automobile Manufacturers‘ Association (ACEA) Christoph Fitz – Volvo Trucks Central Europe GmbH Marina F?rch – Primafrio Christoph Günter – SAF-HOLLAND SE Sascha H?hnke – REMONDIS Sustainable Services GmbH Andreas Haller – QUANTRON AG Dr. Hendrik Ha?heider Leiter des Referatsleiter Klimafreundliche Nutzfahrzeuge und Infrastruktur – Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr (BMDV) Dr. Shawn Kerrigan – Plus Kim Johanna B. Kohlmeyer – Transport & Environment (T&E) Dr. Hendrik Kramer – FERNRIDE GmbH Prof. Dr. Peter Laier – ZF Group Dr. Micha Lege – Wiedmann & Winz GmbH Peter Lingner – DLL Group Gerrit Marx – Iveco Group N.V. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Meurer – ZF Group Hildegard Müller – Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) Christian Renners – K?gel Trailer GmbH Dr. Felipe Rodríguez – The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT Europe) Andreas Schmitz – Schmitz Cargobull Harald Seidel – Chairman Commercial Vehicle Board ACEA Helmut Stadler – diconium Dr. Manfred Stefener – Freudenberg e-Power Systems Dr. Hans Henning Thies – GP JOULE Connect GmbH Stephan Unger – Daimler Truck AG Holding/Daimler Truck Financial Services Frank Verhoeven – Vos Logistics Alexander Vlaskamp – TRATON GROUP SE/MAN Truck & Bus SE Dr. Jan-Philipp Weers – Bosch Service Solutions Beatritz Yordi – European Commission Jens Zeller – idem telematics GmbH Das ganze Programm: #LCV #MCV #HCV #BEV #Transport #Fleet #Logistics (Bild: eigene Collage, Inhalte: Handelsblatt)
#Solaris #CAFGroup #Poland #Bolechowo #Poznan #Urbino #BEV #FCEV #Emobility #Bus2Bus #Busworld #Elektromobilit?t #Sustainability #BDO #VDA #VDV #Omnibus #Linienbus It's almost like Asterix and Obelix: the Gallic village could also be Bolechowo near the western Polish city of Poznan. On the site of a former ammunition factory, there was a small bus manufacturer in the mid-1990s - one of the largest in Europe. Today, in 2024, with 25,000 buses and coaches and 1st place for BEV and FCEL buses in Europe, it has certainly given these big players a run for their money. Solaris is and will continue to grow - not only in Europe, but also in the USA and Canada. The Solaris dachshund, which has been around from the very beginning, has always stood out with its green colour. Today more than ever, green for the environmental friendliness of a bus was chosen with care back then. And so was the dachshund, as Krzysztof Olszewski explained to during a visit to Bolechowo in 1996. According to Olszewski, the short legs symbolise the ability of the buses to provide low and comfortable access for older people and the disabled. At the start in 1995, 36 people were part of the team; today, 2,500 people work for Solaris as a brand under the umbrella of the CAF Group. More information at
SEILBAHNEN-Magazin International reports about SMART ROPE innovation: “How do cable car operators keep their total costs of ownership low?” “The rope is literally one of the crucial components of a cable car. BRUGG Fatzer has not only developed a special model for urban use, but also splicing methods and software solutions that make assembly easier, increase the service life of the rope and strengthen the reliability of the cable car. ? The ultimate goal: to keep the lifetime costs of the rope as low as possible. Extreme operating times, high travel speeds, high demands on availability and robustness: urban cable car ropes are exposed to significantly harsher conditions than ropes for classic mountain railways. ? Operators therefore rightly demand a suitable safety architecture for the rope and high availability of the ropeway. Surprises and unplanned downtime are a no-go. FATZER AG has therefore developed a LongLife package for urban ropeway ropes that increases the service life across all life phases, ensures the safety of the rope and reduces costs.” Please see the attached report with more details regarding the smart rope innovation.