First pod interview with founders, Rusty and Christina together, talking about leading with curiosity, building a business with family, and resilience!
Loved this conversation about curiosity, building a business with family, and investing in your relationships - including your relationship with yourself! It was a joy and an honor to be interviewed by Joe Hart, the CEO of Dale Carnegie Training, and to do my first pod interview with Rusty Drake! Also, a little bit nerve-wracking because nobody can interview and present like my Carnegie trainer friends can! Shoutouts to my sister, Elena Dorr Zienda, and our incredible team of people who have skills that the three of us co-founders do not, including but not limited to Terri Preiner, Laura Zabell and Sylvie Johnson! #founderjourney #founderstories #founderlife #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife #dalecarnegie #dalecarnegietraining #willasoatmilk #cancersurvivor #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters