Your #ethicalreview questions.? Our expert answers.? ?Why Do Community Members Need to Participate in IBC Review Meetings? ??Our expert Sarah Roberge shares this answer in our blog #IBC #WCG?
Be sure to register for this hybrid event which was inspired by the collaborative partnership developed between the FASB PCC and the IMA Global Small Business Community Shared Interest Group (SIG). In-person attendees should arrive between 11:30 to 12 ?pm EST for networking and lunch. The presentation will start promptly at 1:00 pm EST. The webinar registration link reflects the time all should login to record attendance for CPE purposes. We have also invited the local chapter of the GSCPA to join us, so be sure we have all relevant information to report your CPE when registering for the event. If you plan to attend in person, please indicate this when you register so that we will know how many will be there for lunch.? Plan to arrive early for networking and avoid arriving after the presentation starts so that the webinar will not be disrupted by late arrivals. Webcast Title: IMA Atlanta Chapter: FASB update from a Private Company Council (PCC) Webcast Date: Friday, November 15, 2024 at 1:00 PM Register Here: IMA Global Small Business Community #SmallBusinessSIG #Event #HotTopic
IBC done! So what now? Now that we’re all back from IBC – and what a great show – its really easy to fall back into day-to-day work, especially as many of us will be catching up on e-mail and dealing with all of the things we parked over the last week or so. But the ROI on IBC, and other events like it, can fail at this last stage – the follow-up. Of course, those really hot leads will be contacted, the cards put into pockets and scribbled notes, but what about everybody else? Have you downloaded those scans? What’s your strategy for building on that conversation? And how will you measure success to know what the *actual* ROI is on the event? With over 20 years of experience, I know what works, and what doesn’t, so if you’d like to have a no obligation chat, drop me a message, and let’s set up a call. And one other thing – NAB is around the corner, and its never to early to start planning. Let’s speak #IBC #IBC2024
Looking forward to speaking about hurricane preparedness and how restaurants and other retailers can increase their resilience this season! Register for this session today! #EmergencyManagement #BusinessContinuity
Don't miss our next #RLPSA chapter meetings! East, Central, and West chapters are all meeting on Thursday, June 6. Registration links here:
MISAC Annual Conference - 2024 I am super excited to join the annual MISAC Conference in Monterey, CA. I will be joining the esteemed panel to discuss and learn IT Governance Models in different sectors of local governments and how IT organizations are making an impact in public services delivery. There are many different governance models used in IT organizations. The public sector has unique challenges depending on several factors. Ed Miranda Hong Sae Tonya Digiorno #misac #actransit #apta
One of the many benefits you attain when becoming an ICF Houston Member ?? A Voice:?The chance to serve on the ICF Houston board or committees, and to vote at the annual meeting to approve the chapter board If you are already a member but forget the benefits or are looking to become one, click here? ... #icfhouston #icfcoaching #icfcoach #coachingtips #icfmember #icfglobal
CGISA leads in shaping the governance agenda and promoting the best practice essential for organisational performance. You can connect and become part of the CGISA community. 1. Follow us on social media - Good 2. Study with us - Better 3. Become a CGISA member - Best Learn more about us and become a part of our community: #GovernanceCommunity #GovernanceMembership
Have you read Natasha's article on the Lived Experience Advisory Committee? In 2024 AOPA created a Lived Experience Advisory Committee (LEAC) to help bring a lived experience perspective to AOPA's activities and communications. We invite you to get to know our LEAC members. You can read more on pages 16-17 of the June 2024 Review. #OandP
?? #Latest Edition of Our #Newsletter on Insolvency Laws is Here! #Insolvency #Chronicle #Vol10 The evolving landscape of insolvency in India continues to shape how businesses navigate financial distress and recovery.? This edition is a good-read for professionals aiming to stay ahead in the dynamic insolvency domain. Special thanks to Deepanshi Gupta #Insolvency #IBC #Newsletter #CorporateLaw The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India The Institute of Company Secretaries of IndiaInstitute of Cost Accountants of India Ministry of Finance casansaar .com The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Taxguru CAclubindia Compliance Calendar ?
IBC Updates ??? Glad to share the 10th edition of our newsletter ???????????????????? ??????????????????! Access previous editions here: Welcoming feedback ?? CS Lalit Rajput Deepanshi Gupta #ibc #newsletter #insolvencychronicle #updates #Collaboration #Case_Laws #Legislative_Updates #Policy
It was great joining the RICS LionHeart RICS webinar this morning on common APC pitfalls. Thank you to Charlotte Crowe and Steve Joel-Dicks FRICS for running the session which provided some very useful hints and tips to ensure a successful APC journey. For those currently sitting the APC the below slide provides some useful links to supporting resources. #Buildingsurveying #RICS #APC #CPD