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What is a "good" sponsor recall percentage? ??Getting 20-50% aided recall from a scientific stratified sample means that for a fan base of 10 million, 2 million to 5 million fans are reached. In absolute terms that is amazing. The average aided recall across all Wakefield partnerships measured since 2019 is 43.8%. Achieving 50% or even 25% recall of a partnership is a breakthrough. ??Here’s a closer look at the partnerships measured since 2019: ??36.6% have aided recall at 50% or higher ??24.0% have aided recall at 60% or higher ??13.8% have aided recall at 70% or higher ??7.1% have aided recall at 80% or higher ??2.3% have aided recall at 90% or higher ??Partners who achieve 70% or higher aided recall often have some type of prominent title deal (gear, training center, stadium, etc.). ???Partners who achieve 90% or higher aided recall are extremely rare and typically do so through long-term stadium deals.

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Jonathan A. Jensen

Sport Marketing/Sponsorship Analytics & Litigation Consulting

4 个月

Makes sense! Our study found recognition (which I think you are terming aided recall) as an official sponsor only increased by 8.9% in the first year of the sponsorship, compared to competing brands that were used as fouls: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6kjly51tea4t2bos2vbvd/JensenVlacancich2023_SMQ.pdf?rlkey=2c2kasf8lrfi2f6jl28k4cfl7&st=phuk77ui&dl=0
