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Empowering Businesses : Business Consultant & Advisor on Board

Being an employee is tough, becoming a startup founder can be no less than a nightmare. Think 100,000 times before becoming a startup founder. I have always defined a startup founder's journey to be like walking on fire and sleeping on nails. But does it mean we don't even try? Not et all, start small and grow it big. Seek guidance all along and importantly drop ego to taste faster success, as it calls for deeper sense of collaboration and constantly exploring synergies to reap exponential benefits it serves back, in most cases instantly. Set up small goals initially to build the confidence in the process and keep pushing your limits slowly yet carefully. You will also find there are more people ready to help than you would have even imagined of. You just need to be prepared to embrace this as a journey of endless learning and carefully putting it in experiment while building your business up. And let me sum it up if you have reached this far reading. The actual reward as a startup founder is the transformation that gets delivered to you, to think big and the capability it brings to take any idea or business opportunity to the roof and crack it big in no time from there on. Go, make a start today! #StartupLife #ItsJourney #FeelTheThrill

Nearly 90% Indian employees say they are suffering, over 40% are sad: Gallup Workplace Report

Nearly 90% Indian employees say they are suffering, over 40% are sad: Gallup Workplace Report
