Viksnins Harris Padys Malen LLP转发了
PRESS RELEASE | USPO Notice of Allowance US16,617,763 We are pleased to announce that #MethotrexateForte has received patent protection both in Europe and in the USA and that the novel use of a PK enhancer to increase the efficacy, safety and tolerability of the anchor drug treatment in autoimmune diseases (#rheumatoidarthritis | #psoriasis | #crohnsdisease ) has been recognized as a truly innovative invention. This is the perfect moment to recognize the fantastic support that we have received from our #intellectualpropertylaw experts that we have had the pleasure to meet and engage these past years: Marianne Neelissen-Subnel (Swea IP Law AB) and Tania Shapiro-Barr, M.D., J.D. (Viksnins Harris Padys Malen LLP). THANK YOU!