Being a part of the Vets Franchise Network has really helped provide a springboard as a leaping off point for me and beginning this franchise. I think my overall success would not be where it is today if I would have been doing everything on my own knowing that someone is always up for bat for you. It's just great to know. I think the ability to have that support this have this support system in place and the people that we talked to and. You know, we communicate with them 24/7 about what to do and how to do things. As a new business owner, that's helped me so much and streamlining a process for the junk removal business and I feel like I tackled that with the support of the other franchisees. Zach and the team have built such a great structure. We just came in and we were able to hit the ground running. Everything's been put in place for me. And so it made it very easy. It's a franchise owner to just come into that estate established. Environment. Hi, I'm Zach Wiley, the Founder and CEO of Veterans Easy Trash Service O. When we decided to expand vets through franchising, there's a couple of things we're thinking about with that. So one, you know the opportunity we had created in Charlotte where we started very passionate about the veteran community and I wanted to offer that same experience and opportunity to other veterans and professionals that have served their country. So really that's the motivating factor behind it is. You want to make a powerful impact on other people's lives and providing opportunity that can be life changing for them. As far as the qualities that we're looking for in a potential franchise, partners, so number one, we look for professionals. You don't have to be an expert in business, you might not know anything about business, but that's OK. We look for people that will approach it with enthusiasm and professional attitude and that can really partner with us to grow their markets. So the second quality we're looking for are partners who are people focused. So whether that is you know, hiring and growing and mentoring. For employees, helping them to pursue their goals and grow beyond what they think are capable of, or being compassionately involved and dedicated to your community and helping your customers. The third quality working for Straight Grit. It's a lot of hard work. There are some jobs you may not want to do, but we look for partners that are going to go out and get after it and accomplish the mission no matter what and overcome any obstacle that they come across. So the process for individuals who are interested in joining the Vets Franchise team as market owners has four steps. Step #1. It's just a discussion. So we like to address your goals, our goals, and make sure that those goals align with each other. Step two, once we both agree that we think our goals aligned, you will submit an application and then you'll find time to come visit us in Charlotte, NC at our corporate location. Step three is your exploration visit. So individuals who make it to this point will come visit us at our corporate headquarters in Charlotte, NC On day one, you'll actually roll with our teams. You'll go out and see what the works actually like. Meet our employees, get your hands dirty. And really come away with an understanding if this is what you want to do. And then on day two you'll spend the day with our operations team. So you'll see the back end of everything and you'll see what it really takes to run a well oiled machine and operations. Finally, Step 4, after your exploration visit, you'll go back to your home market and we'll begin setting up test jobs for you to complete on your own. After completing those successfully, we'll begin the onboarding process and you'll join the vets team. So Vets franchises provides a lot of support and resources to our market owners. So vets franchises has Pirate Terry systems and processes in place that really take the guesswork out of running your business, really the resources and support we provide you. Ultimately it means you can focus on your team being a leader and then finding creative and unique ways to grow your business. In addition, vets franchises is really proved our approach to junk removal with drastic growth in every market we've entered. We've really focused on a culture of accessibility. So everything we've learned, everything we continue to do that is working. Our market owners have immediate access to that. When you're ready and you have the grit to join the world's best junk removal company, reach out to us. You can contact us at our website, Betsy Trash Scom. You can call or text our headquarters at 980-613-4692, or you can send me an e-mail directly. Zach ZA
[email protected].