Check out Military Times coverage of our recent MCON panel, “Educating Veterans About Their Disability Benefits.” The panel was moderated by VBG’s Chief Marketing Officer and Vice President of Public Affairs, Lisa K., a U.S. Army Veteran, and featured panelists Wesley DeMauro of JPMorgan Chase, Brandon Nivens of Salesforce, and Roger Loesch “Doc” of the USDA. ? Military Times wrote: ? “For Veterans navigating the transition from military to civilian life, securing access to earned disability benefits often becomes a complex, daunting journey… ? “Roger “Doc” Loesch … pointed out a recurring issue: Veterans often give up on their disability claims after a few setbacks. “Most veterans try… but once you hit a brick wall, you throw your hands up and say, ‘Screw it, it’s not worth it,’” he explained. This sentiment is widespread, driven by a combination of bureaucracy and emotional hurdles that prevent Veterans from persisting in their pursuit of benefits. ? “The pride, fear, and guilt that accompany the pursuit of disability benefits are significant barriers. Veterans often fear stigma or feel guilty, believing their issues aren’t “bad enough” to warrant taking resources from others. Breaking down these barriers is crucial, as Wes explained…” ? If you are a Veteran confronting these challenges, please reach out. VBG can help!
Veteran Benefits Guide的动态
What is a ‘100% disability’ rating and what does that actually mean for veterans. I spend a lot of time talking (and helping where I can) with Veterans that are in a constant fight with the Veterans Administration (VA) over their disability compensation submission(s)....yes, plural!! Honestly, it is a disgrace and it is a problem area that needs immediate attention. I just posted yesterday about the "Sharks" that prey on Veterans. You wonder why? It is ALL about Process, Process, Process!!! Lack of transparency from the VA, lack of metrics being tracked and enforced, lack of setting expectations with the veteran, poor third party doctors/PA's/Nurse Practioners that are driven by how many vets they can process because they get paid by the number they see, and the list is long. I hope the incoming SecVA has his ears on...Doug Collins needs to add this issue to his shortlist of things to fix. It CAN be done! Hell, I'd go back to work to do it!! > Thoughts? > Others areas for Doug Collins to focus on? > What did I miss? #VETLANTA #Veterans #Veteran #va #vha #vba #veteranhelpingveteran
I don't know of any Veteran who would trade their limbs, other physical health, emotional health or mental health conditions for any financial benefits the Veterans' Administration might pay them. Myself included. These patriotic Americans (less than 1% of our population) voluntarily signed up to serve our country. They wrote a blank check payable to all of us that was up to and including their life, if necessary. Some of you may have seen an article in a recent edition of The Economist magazine entitled, "American Veterans Now Receive Absurdly Generous Benefits." This article was intended to argue that the Unites States' taxpayers are funding incredibly excessive benefits to its Veterans. Just as an example, the article's last sentence is, "America’s veteran obsession has gone too far." Many people regard The Economist as a credible economic news source, as do I in many circumstances. However, in this case its editors failed. The article compares the U.S. Veterans' Administration's significant increase in disability expenses from 2000 to 2024. They infer that the increase in there expenses occurred due to changes in law, policy, or increasingly lax application of regulations. Obviously those who know what happened between 2000 and 2024 realize that the increased in disability claims and awards are the result of two decades of high deployment tempo, increased survivability of the wounded (fewer deaths, but greater numbers of survivors with disabilities), as well as better understanding of environmental hazards such as burn pits. We know there are legitimate reasons for increased expenses. We must now take care of those who fought these wars. These costs are the interest on the decision of the United States to engage in multiple wars over multiple decades. The butcher's bill is now coming due. Please don't believe the narrative that somehow Veterans are trying to fleece the US taxpayers. As with any system are there a few who might try to push the limit? Sure. However, how do you try to deny those who have prevented another terrorist attack on our country over the past 23 years the compensation for the harms they have suffered? I've attached a link that not only highlights the errors in the Economist article, but does so with a bit of humor.
"Stop HELPING Disabled Veterans" - Economist Magazine
Why Do People Always Go After Disabled Veterans First When Trying to Cut Money? The benefits that get paid are not “absurdly generous.” Give me a break. Would you trade living every freakin’ day of your life in excruciating pain for a few hundred dollars? That pain and 20+ back surgeries is a “benefit” of many years of military service, but now they seem to want to renege on their end of the bargain! Typical. Other veterans have it much worse. They lost limbs. Many of our honored brothers & sisters gave their all. I lost track of how many times I was told, if things go south … the government doesn’t know you. Well, this is just one more example of Uncle Sugar disappearing when things matter; Veterans know what I’m talking about. It’s part and parcel of the politicization of the military. If you go ahead and do this, slashing disabled veteran’s pay, don’t blame us when recruitment levels crater … and they will! The 2023 Reagan Foundation Survey found trust in the military has plummeted to 45 percent of the US public. The worst, however, comes from younger Americans - where recruits are targeted - their trust factor has dropped to 33 percent! You’re telling every potential one of these recruits - “We want what we want. If you get injured when we send you into one of our conflicts, you’re on your own.” That is entirely self-serving. Who’s going to sign up for that? Your kids? Not mine. Not my grandkids! I’m going to encourage mine NOT to do it! Uncle Sam breaks his promises. One opinion.
"For veterans navigating the transition from military to civilian life, securing access to earned disability benefits often becomes a complex, daunting journey. Although these benefits are essential for veterans dealing with service-related disabilities, data reveals that only one-third of the 18 million eligible veterans in the U.S. have applied. This gap in access underscores the pressing need for organizations to demystify the process and ensure that veterans know their options. This sentiment resonated at a recent gathering where veterans shared their struggles and triumphs in the realm of disability benefits." Read more at
Here are the newest tables showing the 2025 Department of Veterans Affairs monthly disability rates for veterans with a rating of 10% or higher:
Can the VA reduce your disability rating? ?? Short answer, yes.?? There are certain criteria that must be met though regarding your service-connected disabilities… For example, if ?? There is evidence that your condition has improved. ?? There is evidence of a fraudulent claim. ?? The veteran is incarcerated. Additionally, while unlikely, it is POSSIBLE that the VA can remove a “Permanent & Total” rating if there is evidence to support that the condition(s) that gave you the rating have improved. ?? However, there are some instances where your ratings are protected (except in cases of fraud): ?? If a rating has been in effect for more than 5 years, ALL evidence must support that a conditions improvement is NOT temporary. ?? The VA cannot terminate service connection for a disability that has been in place for more than 10 years. ?? Ratings that have been in effect for 20 years, they cannot lower your rating past the lowest rating assigned during that period of time. ?? Veterans who are over the age of 55 are exempt from re-examination. If you’re preparing for the #militarytransition process, I would highly recommend that you spend some time on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website and educating yourself on the whole process. Oh yeah, also…NO I’m pretty sure they’re not scanning your socials for your Murph times. ?? Want to learn how to stop making Military Money Mistakes? ?? ?? Follow me for more insights into VA Disability, SBP, VGLI, TSP, and Military Transition. Got questions? Need help? Click on the link below to set up a call, or shoot me a DM.?? #military #veterans
Attention #Veterans! Have you had your VA Disability Rating reviewed recently? The VA disability rating system is designed to compensate Veterans for disabilities incurred or aggravated during their Military service. However, it’s important to recognize that disabilities can evolve over time. Conditions that were once manageable may worsen with age, while new health issues may arise. As a result, the disability rating that a Veteran receives when they first apply for benefits may not accurately reflect their current level. Learn more ??
Understanding Veterans Administration (VA) disability benefits is important for veterans and their families to be sure they receive the support, healthcare and financial compensation they have earned in service. VA disability benefits can include: -Monthly paid compensation. -Healthcare with travel allowance. -Federal hiring preference. Additional benefits exist and are based on disability rating and circumstances. Eligibility is a separate matter and is affected by many factors such as veteran status, disability rating, whether the disability is service-connected or non-service connected, and more. To learn more about benefits available: … Allsup Veterans Disability Appeal Services? (AVDAS) is owned and led by veterans, and has deep expertise in veterans disability benefits. Our VA-Accredited Claims Agents assist veterans nationwide in securing the service-connected benefits or the higher disability rating they have rightly earned. Do you or someone you know need help with a VA disability appeal? Connect with AVDAS: 888-372-1190 #VADisability #VeteransAffairs #VARating #DisabledVeteran #VAAppeals #SupportVeterans #AllsupVA