Virginia Department of Historic Resources的动态

DHR staff joined?Commonwealth Preservation Group, LLC?for a day of professional development at Belmead-on-the-James in Powhatan. Designed and built in the mid-1800s, Belmead is one of Virginia’s best examples of Gothic Revival?#architecture. Its post-plantation history is primarily associated with Louise Drexel and her sister Katharine Drexel, founder of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and the 2nd American-born individual to be canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. The Drexel sisters led efforts to transform Belmead into two private schools for Black youth in the 1890s. Belmead is among Virginia’s most significant historic properties and a high priority for perpetual preservation! . . . #historicpreservation?#historicpreservationmatters?#history?#virginiahistory?#virginia?#historical
