Content is being reviewed and removed to align with the President’s executive orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes.”
I looked up this DOD instruction. It basically says: (so thanks for not posting bs) Posts released from official DOD social media accounts must be: Accurate. The content is accurate. Appropriate. The account is the proper vehicle for the message. Timely. The message can be delivered at the proper time. In the Appropriate Tone. The message is being delivered in the proper tone. Approved for public release. The message has been reviewed for operations security and information security concerns and approved for public release, in accordance with DoDI 5230.09 and DoDI 5230.29, as applicable.
Officially Retired!!
1 周But you still post this nonsense? When 7125 people are all doing the same job its time to tell you, ‘Your Fired’.