To all the veterans—thank you. Your sacrifices, whether on the front lines or at home, have shaped the history of our nation and continue to inspire future generations. You are not just soldiers; you are the heroes who have ensured that the light of liberty burns bright.
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LTJG Connors, who laid down his life in battle, symbolizes the epitome of heroism and sacrifice. His story is a beacon of the valor and dedication that define our armed forces. By erecting a statue in his memory, we are not only preserving the legacy of one, but we are honoring ALL VETERANS OF MODERN WARFARE. Curious about the John P. Connors Memorial details? Click the link below for an in-depth look at how we're honoring our heroes.
LTJG Connors, who laid down his life in battle, symbolizes the epitome of heroism and sacrifice. His story is a beacon of the valor and dedication that define our armed forces. By erecting a statue in his memory, we are not only preserving the legacy of one, but we are honoring ALL VETERANS OF MODERN WARFARE. Curious about the John P. Connors Memorial details? Click the link in our bio for an in-depth look at how we're honoring our heroes. Learn more about the project here:
Veterans with mobility issues through being wounded, injured, illness or age, deserve to be able to travel with dignity, not be manhandked on and off aircraft like a sack of potatoes, risking injury, or death. They deserve to know their wheelchairs will not be damaged during a flight or during loading and unloading. United Airlines had the opportunity to have its replacement fleet accessible but chose not do. Janet do not wait for legislation that could force your airline to be accessible but show some humanity and humility to not only disabled veterans but all mobility disabled people, first by starting discussions with your aircraft manufacturers to make accessibility a priority. #unitedairlines #health #wellbeing #veterans #MemorialDay #AccessibleTravel #Wheelchairs #Disability #Transportation #aviation #AccessibleTourism #PVA #aircraft #accessibility #military #veteransaffairs
This Memorial Day, we remember those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. And to the many veterans, family members and friends of the military who have been impacted by loss and have reason to hold this day close to the heart, including our own United community members, we honor you.
Today, as we honor Memorial Day, let's also recognize the single parents who serve or have served in our armed forces. Balancing parenting duties with the call of duty requires immense courage and resilience.? To all military single parents, your strength and sacrifices inspire us daily. How are you reflecting on this day of remembrance? #journeyreimagine #singleparenting #singleparentlife #singleparentsupport #singleparentcoach
THEY ARE IGNORING THIS THIS IS THE POLICY OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT. THE HYBRID NATION JUST PASSED A LAW TO STOP UNWRA, AND THEY HAVE MANIFESTLY FAILED TO PROTECT THE CIVILIAN POPULATIONS OF THE GAZA STRIP AND WEST BANK. IN FACT THEY ARE COMMITTING GENOCIDE. THIS LAW OR UN EDICT (R2P) SHOULD BE ACTED UPON WITH HASTE IF THE UN HAS ANY TEETH LEFT AFTER THE HYBRID NATION KICKED THEM OUT WITH THE BLIND LOYALTY OF THE USA AND THE UK. THERE MUST BE A LEGAL EAGLE THAT COULD EMBARASS THESE NATIONS THAT ARE HAPPY TO PRETEND AND"IGNORE THE R2P" Box 2 - The Responsibility to Protect At the UN World Summit in September 2005, Heads of State and Government of all UN member States signed up to the 'Responsibility to Protect' (R2P). This concept recognises that States are primarily responsible for protecting their own populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. The international community should help them to exercise their responsibility and use peaceful means to promote protection, but if peaceful means are inadequate and national authorities are manifestly failing to protect their populations, collective action can be authorised by the UN Security Council.reak,
"We must remember those who will never see that smile again." Minister for Veterans and People, Alistair Carns, honoured the vital contributions of those who gave their lives for our freedom.
Honoring Our Veterans Through Memorials In this article, we will delve into the most common types of #veteran #memorials and #headstones, exploring their significance and the #diverse ways that they pay homage to the #men and #women who have #defended our #nation. This article will also address a few ways to appreciate and #remember our #heroes in our everyday lives. Here are some common #headstones, memorials, and symbols utilized for #veterans:
As a company led by veterans, the meaning of Memorial Day carries a deep significance. We honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Watch this video with our CEO, Logan Leslie, to learn more about what Memorial Day means to Main Street Auto. #memorialday
What we remember as veterans on Memorial Day 2015
On this Veterans Day, we are reminded just how much we owe to our Veterans who gave so much of themselves to protect the Freedoms we hold dear. To all who have served: You are the embodiment of Honor, courage, and commitment. Your unwavering dedication inspires us, and we strive to live up to the example you have set forth. We stand with you proudly today and every day. Read more in the T.V.P. Blog:
Did you know that cats have been involved in warfare for centuries? While horses and dogs may come to mind first, cats have also played a significant role in military history. Today, cats are often used as mascots to boost morale among troops. To learn more about the fascinating history of cats in warfare, check out this article on #NationalCatDay visit