Interviews are challenging! Check out this cheat sheet on common questions interviewers ask so you can go in feeling more prepared.
The Job Interview Cheat Sheet Credits to Chris Donnelly, make sure to follow him! _____ Those that get the 6-figure job offers are not the smartest. They are simply the most prepared. The candidates with the highest chance to succeed ensure: ?? They understand what the role entails. ??? They have 4-5 great stories to hand. ?? They’ve done hours of research. In order to land the job of your dreams... Prepare for these 12 common interview questions. Take a sneak peek at the sheet: 1. Tell me about yourself and your background. ? Tell them about your career journey and the experience you have. ? Tell them what you're passionate about and how it relates to the role. 2. Why do you want to work for this company? ? Demonstrate the research you've done, mentioning specific details. ? Then relate that knowledge to the position you've applied for. 3. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations? ? Share an example of a previous stressful situation you handled with grace. ? Talk about how you've improved over time. 4. What is the hardest problem you’ve ever tackled? ? Discuss in detail how you tackled the problem. ? Explain clearly how you solved it and the impact it had. 5. What sets you apart from other applicants? ? Talk about your unique strengths that relate to the role. ? Discuss how you developed them over time. 6. What are the main strengths you’ll bring to us? ? Talk about your biggest strengths and how you will apply them. ? Then share exactly how you think it will benefit the business. 7. What would you say are your weaknesses and how would you improve them? ? Be honest and share your genuine weaknesses, don't be fake. ? Lay out the roadmap for how you want to improve them. 8. Describe a situation where you had to handle multiple responsibilities. ? Talk about how you were organised and prepared. ? Go in detail on how you spin multiple plates. 9. Tell me a time when you couldn’t meet a deadline and how you handled it? ? Discuss honestly about how disappointed you were. ? Then go on to say how you reflected and learned from it. 10. Share an example of how you handled working with someone who’s difficult. ? Touch on how you communicated clearly with them. ? Share that it came from a place of empathy. 11. Why did you want to leave your current place of work? ? Flip the question on its head and talk positively about them. ? But go on to say how you want a new challenge. 12. Do you have any questions for us? ? This is your opportunity to demonstrate your intense research. ? Ask 3-5 highly specific questions. Save this sheet for later use. To ensure you're prepared for your next interview! _____ Follow The AI Powered Leader for daily content.