Senior PEO STRI leaders and representatives from our Training System Software/Training Management Tool (TSS/TMT) and Next Generation Constructive (NGC) programs hosted a demonstration day and Soldier touchpoint on Nov. 6 at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, for the XVIII Airborne Corps and 82nd Airborne Division, U.S. Army staff. The event was an opportunity for key stakeholders to receive an overview of requirements from the Army Futures Command Synthetic Training Environment CFT Cross Functional Team, an overview of how NGC will approach future development, and receive feedback on what Corps Warfighters need to plan/prepare/assess training in the constructive simulation environment. Soldier touchpoints are a key element of the Army’s Soldier-centered design concept because they ensure the final product is one Soldiers like, one that will not slow them down, weigh them down, or interfere with other elements on the battlefield. More than 40 simulation and operational professionals from across Fort Liberty NC attended the daylong event. #Modernization #Readiness #Army #PEOSTRI #XVIIIAirborneCorps #82ndairborne #ContinuousTransformation #Innovation #Collaboration #Army2030 #SoldierLethality #SyntheticTraining #Technology #FortLiberty #stecft
U.S. Army PEO STRI的动态
Defense/Army Industry Partners, US Army Futures Command is publishing a series of articles about how the US Army conceptualizes "Continuous Transformation". This Military Review article, “Continuous Transformation:?Deliberate Transformation” discusses how the US Army will innovate, transform, and modernize within the next POM cycle, two - seven years. Check out my other LI posts for other articles related to this series. #defenseindustry #army #innovation #transformation #modernization
Defense/Army Industry Partners, US Army Futures Command is publishing a series of articles about how the US Army conceptualizes "Continuous Transformation". This Military Review article, “Continuous Transformation:?Transformation in Contact” discusses how the US Army will innovate, transform, and modernize within the next two years. Check out my other LI posts for other articles related to this series. #defenseindustry #army #innovation #transformation #modernization
Chuck Norris has a poster of Robert L. Zackery III on his bedroom wall as motivation. But seriously, RZ3 is one of the most humble, credible, approachable and inspirational leaders I've ever had the pleasure of being mentored by, and remains one of my dearest friends for the better part of the last decade. Stop what you're doing and go watch his #BLKOPS episode.
BLK OPS, Episode 2, of Season 1 OUT NOW ?? ?? “The Chief” follows the journey of Retired Chief Master Sergeant Robert L. Zackery III from humble beginnings in Tennessee to achieving the highest enlisted rank in the #usaf ?? Chief Zack has served with every USSOF in #socom providing authentic insight into the world of Special Operations. Click the ?? in BIO to watch Episode 2! #blkops #veterans #blackhistory #airforce #usairforce #tacp #jtac #airpower #tennessee #specops #specialoperations #primevideo #prime primevideosmytv
We are thrilled to announce that Paradigm Shift Technologies Inc. is now a proud member of the NAC | National Armaments Consortium. The NAC unites top technologists, engineers, designers, scientists, manufacturers, and program managers from industry, academia, and U.S. laboratories. Its mission is to develop cutting-edge armaments that provide the United States with a decisive technological advantage over its adversaries. Stay tuned as we continue to push the boundaries of innovation, ensuring our warfighters have the most advanced and reliable tools available. United States Department of Defense US Army United States Air Force U.S. Army Sustainment Command Joint Program Executive Office Armaments & Ammunition PEO Land Systems Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Army Futures Command DoD SBIR/STTR Program Northrop Grumman General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems Elbit Systems of America Elbit Systems BAE Systems Hanwha Defense USA, Inc. #ParadigmShiftTechnologies #NAC #Innovation #DefenseTechnology #NationalSecurity #CuttingEdgeArmaments #MilitaryInnovation #epvd #eliminatechrome
“Commanders owe it to their subordinates to articulate their risk tolerance in the application of lethal force and to train their subordinates to competently execute within that risk tolerance.” The Army’s leadership teams make up a large spread of combat experience. As the force moves to Large Scale Combat Operations, commander’s risk thresholds, built from their Global War on Terror frame of reference, will change. The subordinates operating on their delegation will also be affected. The article, authored by a trio of Army leaders, explains how commanders can instill the needed speed and confidence in subordinate decision-making in combat. Read their discourse on risk mitigation and Rules of Engagement balance: #EducatetoWin #DriveChange #ContinuousTransformation US Army TRADOC | U.S. Army Combined Arms Center | Army University Press | Line of Departure US Army Journals
Building Readiness in the #IndoPacific: America's First Corps Leads the Way ?? At the 2024 Association of the United States Army - AUSA symposium, leaders from I Corps, U.S. Army Pacific, and Eighth Army (Official) emphasized how #OperationPathways strengthens US Army readiness through joint exercises with allies across the Indo-Pacific. From learning the terrain with water buffaloes in the Philippines to testing logistics across dispersed environments, these efforts showcase the power of strategic partnerships and combat readiness. #ReadMore about how Operation Pathways isn’t just preparation—it’s innovation in action, ensuring that U.S. forces are ready to thrive in future challenges ? ? : Maj. Matthew Pargett #MilitaryReadiness #IndoPacific #OperationPathways #AUSA2024 #AlliesAndPartners
The Futures and Concepts Center kicked off the Project Convergence Capstone 6 Concept Development Course today. More than 100 members of the Army, Joint and Interagency Modernization Enterprise have come together to synchronize planning efforts and set conditions for PC-C6 at Fort Eustis, VA. Brig. Gen. Kendall “K.C.” Clarke, FCC’s Deputy, led the event with providing opening remarks and defining success while preparing for future experiments led by the U.S. Army. US Navy, United States Air Force, United States Marine Corps, United States Space Force U.S. Army Joint Modernization Command, Next Generation Combat Vehicles Cross Functional Team, Soldier Lethality CFT, All-Domain Sensing Cross-Functional Team, U.S. Army Air and Missile Defense Cross Functional Team (AMD CFT),Future Vertical Lift Cross Functional Team, Synthetic Training Environment CFT U.S. Army Materiel Command, U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), US Army Army Futures Command United States Department of Defense #ProjectConvergence #ForgethFuture #BeAllYouCanBe #BringtheHammer
Excited to see "Army SOF-Space-Cyber Triad: Multidomain Cognizance" featured in the Special Warfare Journal. "When SOF, Space, and Cyber forces work together there is also a transfer of knowledge among highly specialized career fields. Space forces learn irregular warfare tenets, cyber forces understand how space can expand access to networks, and SOF gains a better understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum across multiple domains. This is why Triad collaboration is more than a formation or capability." Col Pete Atkinson United States Department of Defense United States Department of the Army US Army US Army TRADOC U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) Army Futures Command U.S. Army Materiel Command The Joint Staff USSOCOM Joint Special Operations Command Joint Special Operations University United States Army Special Operations Command Army Special Forces (Airborne)5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) - US Army U.S. Army Cyber Command U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing/Space (APNT/Space) Cross-Functional Team (CFT) Special Forces Foundation Special Forces Association Special Forces Charitable Trust Special Operations Warrior Foundation
Empowering and preparing Airmen for operational success in integrated operations!?? Together, Lt. Gen. Brian Robinson, commander of Air Education and Training Command, and Mr. Richard Tempalski, Headquarters Air Force Modeling and Simulation chief co-hosted the 2024 DAF Modeling and Simulation Summit. Our goal was to gather United States Air Force and United States Space Force experts to learn about new M&S initiatives and techniques, network across military services and industry experts, and hear technological leaders’ perspectives on how M&S can transition more training from the real world to digital, following through with transforming training. ?? Discover how we are #FollowingThrough and carrying out the transformation of training and education to accelerate the change needed to prevail in this era of Great Power Competition. ?? Wendy Walsh- EdD, MPA, MEP | Caroline Baxter | Department of the Air Force (USAF & USSF) Chief Modeling & Simulation Office | Air Force Agency for Modeling & Simulation (AFAMS)
2024 DAF M & S Summit
The future is in good hands with these professionals.
The Futures and Concepts Center kicked off the Project Convergence Capstone 6 Concept Development Course today. More than 100 members of the Army, Joint and Interagency Modernization Enterprise have come together to synchronize planning efforts and set conditions for PC-C6 at Fort Eustis, VA. Brig. Gen. Kendall “K.C.” Clarke, FCC’s Deputy, led the event with providing opening remarks and defining success while preparing for future experiments led by the U.S. Army. US Navy, United States Air Force, United States Marine Corps, United States Space Force U.S. Army Joint Modernization Command, Next Generation Combat Vehicles Cross Functional Team, Soldier Lethality CFT, All-Domain Sensing Cross-Functional Team, U.S. Army Air and Missile Defense Cross Functional Team (AMD CFT),Future Vertical Lift Cross Functional Team, Synthetic Training Environment CFT U.S. Army Materiel Command, U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), US Army Army Futures Command United States Department of Defense #ProjectConvergence #ForgethFuture #BeAllYouCanBe #BringtheHammer