Alan from?Wilhoit Gas?is sporting his annual TSD trip incentive swag. Thank you for your support, Alan! #HappyMonday #TSDtrip
Tri-State Distributors的动态
For those keeping up with #R2AK, we have a winner! ?? Team Malolo crossed the finish line on Monday "after somewhere between five days and nine years of hard-fought effort... and rang in their rightful place in the annals of R2AK." To learn more about the teams history with the race and journey to the finish line, read R2AK's day six update here
Effective #GNSS toll system settings are helping to finance investments in transport infrastructure in the Czech Republic. The satellite toll system enables quick and low-cost tolling of newly opened road and highway segments, and it has also made it possible to charge for driving on more than a thousand kilometers of first-class roads. Since the launch of the satellite toll system in December 2019, annual toll revenues have increased by 57% (in 2019, the state collected 11.5 billion CZK in fees).
V roce 2024 uhradili provozovatelé vozidel s hmotností nad 3,5 tuny na mytném 17,16 mld. K?. Meziro?ní nár?st vyběru mytného o 15 % p?ineslo zejména zavedení poplatku za produkci CO2 od 1.3.2024. Systém, ktery dodaly spole?nosti CzechToll a SkyToll, oslavil v prosinci 5 let od svého spu?tění. Zatímco p?i spu?tění klesly provozní náklady oproti p?vodnímu mikrovlnnému vyběru myta o dvě t?etiny a konstantně se pohybují kolem 7 %, ro?ní vyběr mytného se v porovnáním s rokem 2019 zvy?il o 57 %. #Tolling #RoadUserChargingITIS Holding | SkyToll | TollNet
For those starting out in golf, already proficient, or professional players, the XPACT PRO impact spray is indispensable. It provides instant feedback on your swing, helping you adjust and aim closer to the sweet spot with each hit. Coaches and seasoned golfers alike can use this tool to refine and master their technique. #xpactpro #impactspray #golf
?? What’s better than a tool that makes golf course maintenance effortless? One that saves time and money while doing it! foreUP taskTracker is coming to #GCSAA2025—stop by to see it in action. #foreUP #GolfMaintenance #GCSAA2025
New video, sponsored by OARS, details the fight & work to save the Yampa River, last free flowing river in the West a BEAUTIFUL River @friends-of-the-yampa-inc @american-rivers @OARS #Paddlesports #PaddleSportsLaw #RecLaw #RecreationLaw
XPACT Pro is simple and quick to use. As an impact spray, it is applied directly to the club face. It leaves a thin white layer that clearly marks the ball's impact after a stroke. After four to five strokes, the spray coating can be reapplied. If the impact marks indicate an incorrect swing, a golf instructor can then provide specific advice on how to improve your technique.
For those starting out in golf, already proficient, or professional players, the XPACT PRO impact spray is indispensable. It provides instant feedback on your swing, helping you adjust and aim closer to the sweet spot with each hit. Coaches and seasoned golfers alike can use this tool to refine and master their technique. #xpactpro #impactspray #golf