"#History of deception": "you know it's the Los Angeles County Courthouse, & is this The Hall of Records as well", "easy to achieve, at least that's what we're told, very impressive structure", "I do question what exactly is going on", what is our timeline, were most these buildings already in place, before any European-explorers arrivals, wasn't California an island... #1812Project: ...what's recorded,.. prior to #Dec16_1811, what was life like, were there really such an amount of "wars, plagues, famine", before "#Sungrazer, https://lnkd.in/ekHnwn5D How The West Was Won", #C1811F1's global-upheaval, one massive bolide resurfacing entire #MississippiEmbayment #Dec16_1811, destroying countless cities, taking countless millions lives, beginning a complete societal-reset,.. https://lnkd.in/eb6ASKMj "Old Scary World", "We were not the first ones"... ...you've heard this before?.. ...but what happened to our forefather's advancements, why was gold made illegal until early '70's, what was being pulled-up during "The Gold-Rush", why's copper "outdated", mercury "too toxic", helium "so rare", didn't we have regenerational-braking, moving-sidewalks, airships,.. much more sustainable, available, durable means of transportation... ...why have our past several generations allowed such destruction, why are we still allowing this today; https://lnkd.in/evJxcjAY "Camera captures New London church collapse", it was bombed... -#WHO #CaresAct-how much more AMAZING #Ourstory actually is, & why would anyone deny their children such enlightening information, you tell me!- -"to tell the tale of a #comet's tail"- "do-tell"- ;-] +bring back our lost #Antiquitech+"find the truths behind the myths" https://lnkd.in/eccaB5hC
Tony Hood的动态
"War of #1812Project": "now is all we have", "the future & past are unknown", "it's very obnoxious, to see the leaders of all nations being stupid, it's already challenging enough", realizing what all was taken, after so much destruction, inheritors coming in "follow the storm, reap the rewards", taking advantage of all the emptied cities, that were already built, way before any European explorers arrivals, "electri-city" set-up as grids, pyramidal-complexes charging obelisks lowering electrosmog... ...churchbells ringing morning, noon, night, killing unwanted parasites/hookworms, warding off dangerous microbes, along with choirs, pipe-organs, vibrating atmosphere, collecting/distributing aether, injecting within waters, carbonated, hydrogenated, electrolytic,.. altogether restructuring water-molecules, lessening risks of elecrtrical-disease, restrengthening biofields, for much healthier, much happier lifestyles... ...humanity suffering since the loss of these technologies beginning in the middle of the night, December 16, 1811... Kinetic-Induction: https://lnkd.in/edndtQwn -as I always mention a few, however, there are so many innovations, so many advancements being held back, for- you tell me- that IF we're unable to retrieve, our "human-race" has been run!- -"everyday is a gift, that's why they call it the present"- -I suspect most would want a longer, more fulfilling life, it appears reenacting our forefather's tech may be our best way- -to rid our "parasites"- -"Rebirth of Magi, Rebell our Cathedrals, Rebuild the Pyramids"- -reimagine the magic!- -remember- "bring back our lost Antiquitech, find the truths behind the myths"
Kings of America
#1812Project: "What have we done", "is there a way we can take this up a notch", "well it's time"!-early in the morning, December 16, 1811, a meteor took out our previous civilization, way more advanced than we are today, as we begin reimplementing forgotten technology, held back all these years by inheritors greed... ...after destroying so many innovators lives, anyone coming up with any hydrogen motor becoming targeted,.. after taking regenerational-braking off trains, trolleys, subways, installing "resistor-walls" to just burn away electricity, blew-up Hindenburg to get our airships out of the skies, then made gold illegal in the United States, until early '70's, then "expensive", made copper to appear "outdated", mercury "toxic", "helium's rare, but fine for party-balloons", successfully forcing devolution upon the masses... KineticInduction: https://lnkd.in/gvNyUumM -no more! time we remove all these falsified-narratives from textbooks, as we may have suffered, thinking of those just arriving, & what will they think of what was done, what will our future citizens believe had happened, reasons for the staged "wars, plagues, famine, repeat", what will they consider their parents priorities, & where will each soul be placed- -something to consider, while the facts are coming out, while validity being displayed,.. while our technologies are being replaced, as we "reinvent the wheel, rethink the lightbulb, rewrite History", -reimagine, remember- +bring back our lost Antiquitech+"find the truths behind the myths" https://lnkd.in/eWGH8e3G
A Little Season in New York City
#PsychologicalWarfare: "so what's really going on here, is the timeline being shortened, are we not given all the details from the official account, is this some sort of evidence of some alternate-realities, this could be anything & everything"-repopulation-indoctrination- -1812Project: -resulting from a meteor-impact, to northeastern Marshall county, Mississippi, from comet C/1811F1, in the middle of the night, December 16,, 1811.- -with such an amount of force, California's no longer an island, spinning Antarctica to southern polar-regions, tsunamis washing over, mass-liquefaction,.. so many earth-changes, so much life erased, all in an instant- Sungrazer: https://lnkd.in/esacW-fr -& most all of what we were instructed was just made-up fairytale, when what had really occurred was actually so much more amazing, Ourstory is rather wondrous- -& when we get our technologies back, it will be as "Flintstones" straight to "Jetsons", just awaiting recognition, soon as we awaken from our collective-amnesia- -remember- "bring back our lost Antiquitech, find the truths behind the myths"
The Old-West World
#Sungrazer: https://lnkd.in/esacW-fr "Welcome to olde-world research", "the previous civilization had all of these things, & so much more", golden-statues in every city, better transportation, ornate, cymatic architecture, built with purpose, "electri-city", regenerational-braking on trains, trolleys, subways,.. moving-sidewalks,.. all sort electrical-production,.. all sort of higher tech...- -1812Project: -technologies taken, after comet C/1811F1 caused a serial-impact, "fire from the sky", when one incoming projectile hits northern Mississippi, December 16, 1811, by that morning, it was all over, countless millions erased- -not just the couple'few hundred Spaniards, that had followed the Tennessee river, where it had emptied into the Mississippi river, where Reelfoot lake now exists, setting camp near river at New Madrid, French moved further inland, & these are the only lives accounted for, even though all of the Americas were left "devoid of life"- -& even though there is so much overwhelming evidence for such a massive meteor-impact, sending Tennessee river emptying into Ohio river, shockwaves out passed Saint Francis river to the west, there is some strange religious belief in "the New Madrid Seismic-Zone" [NMSZ]- -when entire continents had shifted at compressional-boundaries, mass-liquefaction, tsunamis washing-over- -inheritors laid-claim to emptied cities, making-up falsified-narratives along the way, now a couple volcanoes, having nicknames, stories, legends behind them, somehow are believe to have fallen into empty magma chambers some "66mya", even though stories describe this happening in 1811- -maybe we should rebuild our past- -remember- "bring back our lost Antiquitech, find the truths behind the myths"
The End of The Century
The Power of Transformative Concepts: Changing Lives and Building Grounded Communities Brian Tracy Explore the power of transformative concepts with Napoleon Hill. Change lives and build grounded communities with these ideas. ?? Learn more on our channel: https://loom.ly/NHGuL_c #TransformativeConcepts #NapoleonHill #ChangingLives #CommunityBuilding #PowerfulIdeas
#Pseudoscience: "& yet we see a very backwards lifestyle, a very primitive lifestyle:, "inversions of reality", projection of belief, how many examples, what do you believe is the source, what could be the actual functions for our forefather's architecture, buildings that apparently we today are unable to build, & why would that be- -1812Project: -"IF only we could compile all these subjects that are cen-blank-sored", actually, IF we could just correct one date, this should be enough to awaken the masses to our true potential, we may even be able to return us to our previous position- Sungrazer: https://lnkd.in/eA8qG47 -to bring our previous architecture 'back to life', what all we had before such a massive comet, C/1811F1 caused worldwide devastation, one massive bolide resurfacing the entire Mississippi-embayment, December 16, 1811- -& since this moment in time, "follow the storm, reap the rewards", falsifying textbooks, indoctrinating delusions, lies, deceit, selfishness of inheritors nepotism, leaving this construct in a rather precarious predicament- -electrical-production, powers of flight, understanding electrophysiology, our evolutionary-process timed with Lunar-calendar, all sort of higher tech,.. all goes back through time, before even our arrivals, mapping orbital-elements at this moment, life-cycles timed with sacred geometry circadian rhythm, prior to the events in 1811, we were all way more technologically advanced- -let US return!- -we are descendants of spacetravelers- -remember- "bring back our lost Antiquitech, find the truths behind the myths"
The American Troy
Today isn’t just about one perspective. It’s time to recognize the real history. ?? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself about the full story behind Columbus Day? It’s not just about discovery, but about impact—on Indigenous communities, their lands, and their legacy. This is why Indigenous Peoples' Day matters. It honors the strength, resilience, and cultural richness of those who’ve been here long before Columbus set sail. Now, it's your turn—what does this day mean to you? #IndigenousPeoplesDay #ColumbusDay #HistoryMatters #vicinialiving #propertymanagement #viciniapropertymanagement #unitedstates #propertyexcellence
I never thought I would ever be there someday. Neither do you, probably. Have you ever heard of Northwest Arkansas? Most coastal elites view the nation's heartland as a bland, homogenous expanse - the dreaded "flyover states." But this neon-drenched image from Arkansas' Crystal Bridges Museum tells a different story. This remarkable museum, housing an unparalleled collection of American art, sits in the city of Bentonville - a place most East and West Coasters likely can't find on a map. And it is FREE! It's a testament to how rapidly places like Arkansas are shedding outdated stereotypes. Sure, I once shared the common misconception that these middle parts of the country were lacking in cultural richness. But my recent travels have opened my eyes to the evolving face of heartland America - from dynamic art scenes to world-class culinary destinations and thriving entrepreneurial hubs. It's a valuable lesson in the dangers of making assumptions. Too often, we judge regions, industries, or communities without making the effort to truly understand them. But by approaching the unfamiliar with openness and curiosity, rather than knee-jerk prejudice, we stand to gain so much - new perspectives, unexpected connections, and a richer, more nuanced understanding of our country. The next time you're tempted to write off a "flyover state" as boring or backwards, I encourage you to pause and reflect: What hidden gems might you be missing? Where are your own biases leading you astray? After all, as this image from Crystal Bridges so vividly shows, the heart of America is anything but ordinary. And yes, “América es para los Dreamers,” if you know what I mean ;). #rethink #misconceptions #heartland #walmart
2025 is a perfect square ; 2025 = (45)2 moreover, it can be expressed as (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9)2 and also as a sum of cubes (13+23+33+43+53+63+73+83+93) it's a good number. here's hoping it will be a good year. it's a beautiful number. may it be a beautiful year. and since it's a perfect square. let's hope it will be a perfect year— for growth, for justice, for humanity.
In the flipping world, you've got your open-concept trailblazers knocking down walls...and your preservation purists restoring period details. Whether modern marvel or historic gem is your flip fantasy, our agents support investors with any renovation vision. #DemolitionDreaming #BringBackThePast #TransformationTuesdays