New Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change & the Environment and Just Transition Finance Lab report on justice in national climate action ?? We review 159 policies across 61 countries and the EU to explore where ideas of justice are being integrated into national climate policy. A 'just transition' unites different types of justice, and a diverse range of affected groups, into one term. Whose justice are governments actually considering and how are they planning to address current and future injustices associated with the climate crisis? From this broad stocktake, we highlight where progress has been made and where further action may be needed, drawing out recommendations for national policymakers and finance actors. There is still lots to do (e.g., how do we account for non-economic losses on vulnerable communities, and what is being done beyond the energy/mitigation sector?) - for now, we hope this report shines a light on innovative policy levers designed to implement this linked climate action and justice agenda, even without an explicit 'just transition' label ? Grateful to have worked on this with the amazing Jodi-Ann Jue Xuan Wang and Catherine Higham, and can't wait to continue working on this agenda together. Huge thanks to Luis Diego Quesada for his research assistance and massive patience with our constantly changing dataset! If you want a quick summary, Jodi-Ann Jue Xuan Wang will be presenting key findings from the report this afternoon at 4PM (UK) - join us online or in-person, link below ??
New report out today reviews 159 #JustTransition policies and laws across 61 countries and the EU and seeks to map which are integrating just transition ideas into domestic climate policy, and how – based on data from Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change & the Environment's Climate Change Laws of the World database Report authors: Tiffanie Chan Jodi-Ann Jue Xuan Wang and Catherine Higham