School and district leaders: It’s September, which means it’s time to start planning next year’s summer learning program. Check out the Dreamcatchers program in Blount County, AL, to see what an effective program looks like. Blount County is part of a nationwide network of nearly 100 school districts creating high-quality summer learning programs. Pick up a few new strategies.
The Wallace Foundation的动态
High-quality summer learning programs can improve academics, boost attendance, and raise graduation rates. This documentary short highlights how the Akron, Ohio and Woodward, Oklahoma school districts have created positive summer experiences for students:
Unlocking the Potential of Summer Learning
High-quality summer learning programs can improve academics, boost attendance, and raise graduation rates. This documentary short highlights how the Akron, Ohio and Woodward, Oklahoma school districts have created positive summer experiences for students:
Unlocking the Potential of Summer Learning
High-quality summer learning programs can improve academics, boost attendance, and raise graduation rates. This documentary short highlights how the Akron, Ohio and Woodward, Oklahoma school districts have created positive summer experiences for students:
Unlocking the Potential of Summer Learning
The Wallace Foundation emphasizes 8 essential summer learning practices for elementary school districts. ?? We follow these best practices throughout our Summer programs to help students reach their reading goals. On average, our students experience a 4-5-month reading gain. #K12Education #Education #SchoolLeaders
Two New Tools for Your Summer Learning Toolbox
Great piece by Afterschool Alliance on Tuscaloosa City Schools’ Summer Learning work. We know for SURE that summer is the thief that has BEEN robbing us of learning gains students make during the year. And we know that some kiddos lose more learning than their peers when they are away from school. Summer Learning is (or should be) the guard that stops that theft. Lots of folks are figuring out how to “afford” summer learning. That’s backward. The better question is how we can honestly think we can afford not to protect our gains.
As a school leader, it’s key to deeply understand the reasons behind having families become a part of our school/classroom community. Inviting families into our classroom communities gives educators an amazing opportunity to not only become better acquainted with families but also give families a deeper understanding of what goes on in an early childhood classroom. In this blog post, learn more about what makes inviting families into our classroom communities so valuable.
Inviting Families Into Our Early Childhood Classroom Communities - Teaching Strategies
It may be?#backtoschool?season, but we know preparing for?#summerlearning?begins now! Led by the nonprofit FHI 360, the Wallace-funded DSLN has helped more than 100 districts across six states design, carry out, and sustain high-quality, evidence-based summer learning programs that prepare students for academic success and support their well-being. A research team at NYU Metro Center is studying the effort. The team is producing a series of “Summer Snapshots” to highlight how districts across the country are reimagining what a summer program can be. This first summer snapshot focuses on high school students faced with making up class credits over the summer. It examines how two school districts, Manchester Public School District, in Connecticut, and Oakland Unified School District, in California, have reinvented their programs to take a more holistic approach to academics and enrichment over the summer. They are moving beyond credit makeup to accelerate learning and better prepare students for the upcoming year. Read the Summer Snapshot Series here: #NYUMetroCenter?#NYUSteinhardt?#Research?#PRE?#CenterforPolicyResearchEvaulation?#WallaceFoundation?#SummerSnapshot?#SummerSchool?#SummerLearning?#LearningLost?#sutdents?#YouthDevelopment?##Education?#growth?#Skilldevelopment?#Connecticut?#Oakland?#AcademicSuccess?#enrichment?#PublicSchools
Read Mr. Anderson's first blog of the new school year here. Our core values guide all we do as a school. #ldnont #privateschool
Head's Blog: A Successful Year is Built on Values - Matthews Hall
Early planning and positive, engaging environments are crucial components of high-quality #summerlearning programs. In this video, Akron, OH & Woodward, OK school districts show how two communities can take different paths to successful results:
Unlocking the Potential of Summer Learning
Early planning and positive, engaging environments are crucial components of high-quality #summerlearning programs. In this video, Akron, OH & Woodward, OK school districts show how two communities can take different paths to successful results:
Unlocking the Potential of Summer Learning