Congratulations to Aric Almirola on his win of the Kansas Lottery 300 at the Kansas Speedway! His professional success in NASCAR is changing how he thinks about God, money, and generosity. Aric grew up in a blue-collar home with a focus on working hard and saving what you earned. Even as he found professional success in racing, his focus continued to be on holding on to what he received. That changed when he read Matthew 6. "I felt God pulling on my heart and saying, 'Hey, this is not all yours.' ... So I've tried to give a little bit more, and a little bit more, and every time, I end up not missing it because God still provides." The Almirola family uses a donor advised fund at The Signatry to coordinate their family giving. Watch their story:
The Signatry的动态
Maximize Your Charitable Donations: Smart Tax Strategies
As an entrepreneur, you’re an attractive target for unfounded and frivolous lawsuits. That’s why protecting your wealth – so that you can support your goals, lifestyle, family, and your favorite charities is so critical.?
Asset Protection Planning
As an entrepreneur, you’re an attractive target for unfounded lawsuits. Protecting your wealth is critical so that you can support your goals, lifestyle, family and your favorite charities. But in our experience, far too many wealthy people fail to act – leaving them open to risk:
Here’s some pictures from today’s Impact Clay Train Orange Park event!
Just a few pictures from this amazing day! We ran out of kids engineer hats and train whistles! The kids love Tim's Train Rides! We love seeing families make fun memories together! The books were again another big win with the kids! Thank you to all who donate to our Impact Clay Train!
Check out my article in this month’s edition of the Arizona Ascent magazine! I provided an update on the 2024 Arizona Charitable Tax Credit. I encourage all Arizona taxpayers to take advantage of this valuable tax credit! Let me know if I can help answer any questions.
How to Make a Big Difference with Arizona’s Charitable Tax Credit
Discover how you can support the American Family Association and American Family Radio while securing a fixed income for life. Learn about the benefits of charitable gift annuities with insights from Chelsea Wildmon.
Discover how you can support the American Family Association and American Family Radio while securing a fixed income for life
The famed investor, who owns nearly $130 billion in Berkshire Hathaway stock, will direct his fortune into a new charitable trust overseen by his children. Warren Buffett said he changed how his considerable fortune will be spent following his death, telling The Wall Street Journal he has re-worked his will and?that he does not plan to continue donations to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation after he dies. #estateplan #charitabletrust #WarrenBuffett #BerkshireHathaway #WSJ #estateplanning #wealthmanagement #will
Warren Buffett Gives Us a Preview of His Will — The Wall Street Journal
This week on The Living Market, Philip and special guest Aurèle outline the tax benefits of charitable giving: Subscribe, rate and review now. #TheLivingMarketPodcast #PhilipPetursson #AshishUtarid #sp500 #stocks #trader #IGWealthManagement #IGLivingMarket
This week on The Living Market, Philip and special guest Aurèle outline the tax benefits of charitable giving: Subscribe, rate and review now. #TheLivingMarketPodcast #PhilipPetursson #AshishUtarid #sp500 #stocks #trader #IGWealthManagement #IGLivingMarket
This week on The Living Market, Philip and special guest Aurèle outline the tax benefits of charitable giving: Subscribe, rate and review now. #TheLivingMarketPodcast #PhilipPetursson #AshishUtarid #sp500 #stocks #trader #IGWealthManagement #IGLivingMarket