SERVE: Faith in Action at Gwinnett County Corps Family Retreat ?? The Salvation Army of Gwinnett County embraced our Territorial Priority of SERVE during their annual Corps Family Retreat this weekend. With the powerful theme "Faith in Action," corps members gathered under the guidance of Special Guests Majors Cheryl and Nesan Kistan, with worship led by Morgan Teachey from the Kentucky-Tennessee Division. Throughout the weekend, corps members immersed themselves in transformative teaching from the Kistans and spirit-filled worship. They also dedicated an afternoon to putting their faith into action through community service—helping with grocery carts, canteen ministry, laundromat outreach, and prayer. "Jesus served others with an attitude of great love and with joy because he understood the eternal significance of his actions," shared Major Cheryl. "We need to pray that God would open our eyes, that we would see the needs around us, and we would respond to them." Corps Sergeant Major Jeremy Rowland's heart for true spiritual renewal shone through as he mobilized support from across Atlanta and the territory, creating space for corps members to encounter God without distraction. The weekend culminated in Sunday's powerful commitment service where each member was anointed with oil. Major Nesan declared, "Gwinnett County, I want to say right now, I believe there is a move of the Holy Spirit that is upon this place. I believe that the health of this congregation is not just by chance. It is designed for a greater purpose." How is God calling YOU to put faith into action today? #serveALLFORJESUS #tsaALLFORJESUS #FaithInAction