Denim Day reminds us that there is never an excuse or an invitation to sexually assault someone. Check out the Nord Center team rocking their denim as they learn more about preventing sexual violence! #SAAM2024 #DenimDay
The Nord Center的动态
Today is #DenimDay, a powerful reminder to challenge victim blaming and support survivors of sexual violence. Originating from a landmark case in Italy, it's a global movement to dismantle harmful myths and misconceptions. Let's wear denim in solidarity and take action against all forms of hate and violence. #HateCrimePrevention #EndSexualViolence
Oh hey, it’s Denim Day! No matter what somebody is wearing, NO ONE deserves to experience sexual violence or be sexually assaulted. Take some time today to educate yourself on sexual violence and what you can do to combat things like rape culture and victim-blaming. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. What can you do to support survivors and those who have been impacted by sexual violence? #denimday #sexualassaultawarenessmonth
Today is Denim Day, a day aimed to raise awareness about sexual assault, challenge victim-blaming attitudes, and promote support for survivors. To learn more about what you can do to take action, visit: #denimday #noexcuse #endsexualviolence #supportsurvivors #breakthesilence #westvirginia #appalachia #CEG
Today is Denim Day, a day aimed to raise awareness about sexual assault, challenge victim-blaming attitudes, and promote support for survivors. To learn more about what you can do to take action, visit: #denimday #noexcuse #endsexualviolence #supportsurvivors #breakthesilence #westvirginia #appalachia #CEG
Today, Essential Property Management proudly joins in support of National Denim Day! Together, let's raise awareness and show solidarity against sexual violence. #DenimDay #EndSexualViolence #PropertyManagement
Stop sexual violence. Protect yourself and protect others. Consent is agreement or permission expressed through affirmative, voluntary words or actions that are mutually understandable to all parties involved. Remember, consent can be withdrawn at any time, if it is clearly communicated. For more information, you can download our detailed factsheet here: If you need help, please visit this page for helpline contact info: #MiningMatters #16DaysofActivism #NoExcuse #EndGBVF
Impact is greater than intent. Even if someone didn’t mean it, their words and actions can still hurt others. Today on #AskAva, we’re talking about examples of sexual harassment and situations where someone might feel unsafe, even if the other person didn’t intend that. Listen at Call or text Safe+Sound Somerset 24/7 for support at 866-685-1122. #SPEAK #Consent #Boundaries #SafetyPlanning #SafeSoundSomerset
#Yolande #Patrick @bbceastenders ?????????? #VAWG #MeToo brilliant script and acting. ??Showing how the perpetrator uses their positions of power / status to carry out an act of sexual violence / abuse. ??Showing how the perpetrator seeks out and grooms the most vulnerable and how they groom everyone around the victim. ??Showing that there is more than likely going to be multiple victims and there is a pattern of offending. ??Showing the trauma impact on the victim and how hard it is to disclose or share what has happened. ??Showing the response of loved ones and or professionals to a disclosure and how that can determine what happens next and the potential further revictimisation / retraumatisation of the response is not appropriate ??Showing the intersectionality the nuances, the complexities of sexual violence and abuse from both a victims and perpetrators perspective. Thoughts?
Our team at GLS is here to help. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence or stalking, visit our website or call us today. We can assist with Injunctions for Protection against Domestic, Dating, Sexual Violence, and Stalking. #DomesticViolenceAwarenessMonth
Gain a clearer understanding of the application of sexual violence and harassment guidance for boarding schools with this seminar on May 14, 10:30 – 15:30. Book now via