Here we go! The fifth season of the 4cLegal Academy, the television talent show dedicated to young talents with a degree in law, begins tonight.
?? Alessandro Renna, Founder & CEO of 4cLegal, had this to say:
"In the first part of the episode, we take stock of the format that has made the Italian legal market reflect and have fun in recent years, and then focus on the interviews to choose the five young talents who will take part in this extraordinary training course.
The chosen ones will meet large companies and extraordinary professionals with whom they will discuss legal and business issues of great relevance. Soft skills, competencies and vision will be the criteria for identifying, at the end of the course, the Legal Talent of the Year.
I would like to thank?Class CNBC, Director?Andrea Cabrini,?Paolo Testa?and?Franco Tagliaferri?for the extraordinary work done together and for this journey that will see us together every Tuesday at 9 p.m., starting tonight, on SKY channel 507.
I would also like to thank my fellow judges?Mario Alberto Catarozzo?and?Sarah Cartasegna?for their great teamwork... even if we don't always agree... Comparing myself with you is always a great enrichment!
Other thanks will follow in the course of the series, while I congratulate our Communication Team and all the crew indicated in the credits for being able, every year, to put passion and quality into a format that has certainly opened a new path in the story of the legal market and its talents?Antonietta d'Agnessa,?Sara Tornatore,?Lara Agnoletti, and?Francesca Tota.
One last thought, perhaps the most important for me, goes to?candido francica, a friend who will forever be the Author of the 4cLegal Academy, to whom we have decided to dedicate this fifth edition.
#legal #lawfirm #lawyer #lawyeroftomorrow #law #4clegal #academy #ESG
#4cLegalAcademy | Tra volti noti e nuovi, va in onda stasera la prima puntata della 4cLegal Academy 5. Alle 21:00 in prima visione sul canale TV di Class CNBC (SKY 507).
? Chi comporrà la nuova classe e competerà per il titolo di Legal Talent of the Year 2024? Non perdere l'episodio: solo cinque entreranno in accademia e vivranno un'esperienza unica.
?? Che i giochi abbiano inizio!
#4cProduction #LegalTalent #LawStudents
Alessandro Renna Mario Alberto Catarozzo Sarah Cartasegna