Physicians - Stop the Burnout Insanity Einstein nailed it about insanity. You know the quote - doing the same thing, expecting different results. But here's the kicker. Most docs are trapped in this exact loop with their careers. They grind away, day after day. Same stress. Same chaos. Same survival mode. Same burnout. Praying tomorrow will magically be different. (Spoiler alert: It won't … it can’t) Look, I get it. The whirlwind of your practice is all consuming. For every minute you can squeeze into actually sitting and talking to a patient, the EMR demands two … sometimes even after the kids are in bed. Questions bombard you constantly ... many are meaningless, but all are urgent somehow. You grind out the days ...hoping you can keep this up to retirement or find an off ramp before then. But here's the thing - you don't have to keep dancing this crazy dance. There's a way to break free from this hamster wheel. It starts with something so simple, yet most docs never do it. Create your Ideal Job Description. A clear written description of the practice you would run towards. Your personal definition of success as a physician, a Lightworker. Yeah, I know. Sounds basic. But stick with me here. This isn't some fluffy exercise. It's your escape plan - from Einstein's insanity trap.. Your Ideal Job is the bullseye you aim yourself at ... to take back your job, your practice, your career … even your life. I've got a blog post that walks you through exactly how to create this blueprint for sanity. Plus, in the next several weeks, I'll throw in three more game-changing lessons that'll help you take the wheel and begin to steer your practice back to your definition of success. These three mindsets are Ninja Skills for an instant impact on your practice satisfaction and a big step toward your Ideal Job. Your Clarity on your Ideal Job Description activates all three??????????? Because let's face it - if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting. And your sanity deserves better than that. Ready to stop the madness? Check out the blog post here. Your future self will thank you. FYI, since this whole process is focused on *your description* of your Ideal Practice - *you don't have to be burned out to benefit*. All you need is to want your practice to be more satisfying. How cool is that? All the best, Dike "Chief Sanity Officer" Drummond MD