Additionality is essential! ?? At the Future Forests Fund, we believe in measurable, tangible change. Ensuring additionally in carbon projects is critical to delivering real environmental benefits and fostering trust. Learn more ?? #fff #futureforestsfund #additionality #climateaction #voluntarycarbonmaret
The Future Forests Fund的动态
Environment is everything. When our communities exceed the burden thresholds in areas like climate change, housing, and workforce development, they fall into the Environmental Justice designation. On May 2, New Sun Rising and RiverWise are hosting the first Ignite Environmental Justice Workshop at the Millvale Food + Energy Hub. Nonprofits, municipal leaders, and residents will receive support to develop and communicate a project that could improve the heath, climate resilience, and/or economic opportunity of their community. Register today: #justice40 #justice40initiative #environmentaljustice #environmentaljusticeforall #justiceforall #climatejustice #socialjustice #cleanenergy #renewableenergy #cleanair #cleanwater #vibrantcommunities #alleghenycounty #beavercounty #newsunrising #riverwise #equitabledevelopment #greencommunities #sustainability
This is critical. The problem with carbon credits in forests is that the metric is intangible and doesn’t optimize the existing skills of #IndigenousPeoples. Savimbo strongly believes that protecting forests via a metric that uses camera trapping to monitor sentinal species is a MORE EFFECTIVE metric. Economically: It utilizes existing hunter gatherer skill sets, reduces intermediaries and thus costs. Rewarding locals over external actors. Rights: Indigenous groups and local communities have more rights to hunting than they do to logging. Using hunting rights to reward forest protection expands their direct international market access. Quality: Indicator species don’t just show intact habitat. They show forest integrity, human predation, water/soil/air/sound pollution and host of expanded metrics. The animals that evolved in that ecosystem are a better “sensor” for the ecosystems intactness than a reductionist metric like carbon. Culture: All over the world, Indigenous peoples already use totemic animals to monitor ecosystem health. In most cases, this science is a direct translation to Western science. And it can follow existing hunter gatherer activities instead of co-opting them with non-traditional skill sets that are highly industrialized. (machine learning, allometric equations, and satellite monitoring). #Climate #biodiversity #actintime #naturetech #nbs #biodiversitycredits #gbf #sustainability #climateactivism #lateristoolate #climatejustice #fairtrade #esg #environment #sustainability #sdg #savimbo #solarpunk #Indigenous
[ES ????] ?? New briefer available now! ?? ?? Who Really Benefits? How REDD+ Fails Forests and Those Who Protect Them ?? ? GFC’s new briefing looks at how REDD+ simplifies intricate forest ecosystems to a single metric: the CO2 absorption capacity of trees, known as “carbon sinks.” This reductionist view commodifies the essential elements of life that forest communities rely on, transferring control over forests to powerful state and corporate entities and enabling Global North countries to buy cheap permits to continue polluting. While community rights are theoretically protected, in practice, they often are not. Many instances lack genuine free, prior, and informed consent and the meaningful involvement of Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and women. Given the persistently high levels of deforestation and forest degradation worldwide, along with increasing evidence of conflicts and rights violations in REDD+ projects, it is crucial to support and protect equitable and effective alternatives to REDD+. Climate finance must support real solutions that emphasize the importance of community-driven conservation, with an emphasis on Indigenous traditional knowledge and community stewardship, and of the deep knowledge and impact of women in all of their diversities, rather than investing in solutions that prioritize profit and economic “growth” over life itself. ?? Full version available here, more languages to come: [ES] ?? ?Nuevo informe disponible ahora! ?? ?? ?Quién se beneficia realmente? Cómo REDD+ fracasa en proteger los bosques y a quienes los cuidan ?? El nuevo informe de GFC examina cómo REDD+ simplifica los intrincados ecosistemas forestales a una única métrica: la capacidad de absorción de CO2 de los árboles, conocida como “sumideros de carbono”. Esta visión reduccionista convierte en mercancía los elementos esenciales de la vida de los que dependen las comunidades forestales, transfiriendo el control de los bosques a entidades poderosas, tanto estatales como corporativas, y permitiendo que los países del Norte Global compren permisos baratos para seguir contaminando. Dado que los niveles de deforestación y degradación forestal siguen siendo alarmantemente altos en todo el mundo, junto con la creciente evidencia de conflictos y violaciones de derechos en proyectos REDD+, es crucial apoyar y proteger alternativas equitativas y efectivas a REDD+. ?? #Forests #ClimateFinance #REDD #UNFCC #IndigenousRights #ClimateJustice
Equitable compensation rather than benefit sharing for Indigenous people and local communities is going to be a key theme of #CWNYC this year. Check out this important report below
Today, Terraspect has launched the first comprehensive toolkit on how to ensure that carbon finance delivers for Indigenous peoples and local communities. Our guide, From Co-Benefits to Core-Benefits: How to Ensure Carbon Finance is Fairly and Transparently Delivered, provides guidance on the design and implementation of community compensation plans that are equitable, transparent, and accountable. ? We designed the guidance specifically for buyers, developers, and community-based organisations. Read the guide here ?? The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM), IUCN, Climate Asset Management, Peoples Forests Partnership, Conservation Finance Alliance, One Acre Fund, Ponterra, ERS - Ecosystem Restoration Standard, Renoster, Tree Aid #carbonfinance #community #nature #transparency #naturebasedsolutions
Today, Terraspect released the first comprehensive toolkit on ensuring that carbon finance delivers its intended benefits to Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. I am proud to have contributed to the whitepaper From Co-Benefits to Core-Benefits: How to Ensure Carbon Finance is Fairly and Transparently Delivered. Key recommendations include: ?? Direct payments to communities over in-kind benefits, allowing for self-determination. ??? Due diligence on compensation plans, covering community engagement, management, and regional context. ? Standardisation and regulation to ensure best practices across projects. To access the guide ??
Today, Terraspect has launched the first comprehensive toolkit on how to ensure that carbon finance delivers for Indigenous peoples and local communities. Our guide, From Co-Benefits to Core-Benefits: How to Ensure Carbon Finance is Fairly and Transparently Delivered, provides guidance on the design and implementation of community compensation plans that are equitable, transparent, and accountable. ? We designed the guidance specifically for buyers, developers, and community-based organisations. Read the guide here ?? The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM), IUCN, Climate Asset Management, Peoples Forests Partnership, Conservation Finance Alliance, One Acre Fund, Ponterra, ERS - Ecosystem Restoration Standard, Renoster, Tree Aid #carbonfinance #community #nature #transparency #naturebasedsolutions
The approach to nature is evolving. See important messages here from GEF on the "whole of government and whole of society approach" approach. Hear too about bringing chemicals, biodiversity and climate change initiatives together into the GEF portfolio. What implications if any for sustainability practitioners, and business and human rights?
?? Last week, #GEFcouncil67 approved $736.42 million in funding for vast environmental needs. The approved work programs will seek to bring global environmental benefits through activities addressing #biodiversityloss, #chemicals and waste #pollution, land #degradation, #climatechange, and international #waters. Among other projects and programs, funding was approved for a Great Green Wall program established between the #LDCF and GEF Trust Funds, a Coral Bond blended finance project that builds on the lessons from the 2022 Rhino Bond project, and a Sustainable Cities Integrated Program. The Council also appointed Carlos Manuel Rodriguez to a second four year term as the GEF’s CEO and Chairperson. ?? Watch the event summary video below to catch all the highlights.
I wouldn't put it any other way! Sustainability is and should be among the top priorities of every business/company. In fact, prioritizing #sustainability is be one of the #innovative approaches to sourcing that a company or organisation can undertake to support it's #sustainability #goals. Depending on an organisation's needs, finding suppliers with the lowest #environmental impact can be part of the top factors considered during procurement processes.
Chemical & Process Engineer | Sustainable Energy Engineering | Content Reviewer & Editor | Speaker | Personal Growth Partner
It’s our cooperate responsibility to leave this land in better shape for the generations to come. Whether or not that is possible is yours and mine to answer. Whatever your hustle/ business/ organisation is about, environmental sustainability should be at its core. Otherwise, you’ve not done well. Whatever your advocacy, add environmental protection to it. Beyond just making it part of our value proposition, let's walk the talk. As Richard Rogers rightly said, “The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved.?“ Today is World Environment Day under the theme, “ Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience”. What’s your small or big contribution to this? #WorldEnvironmentDay #EarthhasRightstoo #HSSEQ #EforEnvironment
It’s our cooperate responsibility to leave this land in better shape for the generations to come. Whether or not that is possible is yours and mine to answer. Whatever your hustle/ business/ organisation is about, environmental sustainability should be at its core. Otherwise, you’ve not done well. Whatever your advocacy, add environmental protection to it. Beyond just making it part of our value proposition, let's walk the talk. As Richard Rogers rightly said, “The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved.?“ Today is World Environment Day under the theme, “ Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience”. What’s your small or big contribution to this? #WorldEnvironmentDay #EarthhasRightstoo #HSSEQ #EforEnvironment
As local authorities strive to meet housing demand, it’s crucial to ensure that development doesn’t come at the cost of our ecosystems ???? Water and nutrient neutrality measures are essential strategies to mitigate the environmental impact of new housing developments. By managing nutrient runoff and reducing water use, we can protect sensitive habitats, prevent algal blooms, and ensure clean water for communities. Find out more about how we're supporting local authorities to introduce water and nutrient neutality measures: #EnvironmentalPlanning #WaterManagement #SustainableGrowth #ControlFlow #WaterNeutrality #NutrientNeutrality #LocalAuthorities #Council #SustainableCommunities
Happy Earth Day! Today, let's pause to appreciate the wonders of nature and recommit to protecting our planet. Whether it's planting trees, cleaning up our communities, or advocating for environmental policies, let's take action for a healthier, more sustainable Earth. #financialplanning #wealthmanagement #financialadvisor #investment #retirementplanning #lifeinsurance
Happy Earth Day! Today, let's pause to appreciate the wonders of nature and recommit to protecting our planet. Whether it's planting trees, cleaning up our communities, or advocating for environmental policies, let's take action for a healthier, more sustainable Earth. #financialplanning #wealthmanagement #financialadvisor #investment #retirementplanning #lifeinsurance