The Foundation for Social Connection 的动态

?? Strategy Spotlight & Funding Opportunity ?? Research shows neighborhood associations can help foster social bonds and cohesion as well as build social networks among resident. Even brief or fleeting interactions can help establish familiarity between community members, which can eventually develop into a quality connection and encourage neighborly acts between residents. In our Action Guide for Socially Connected Communities, our promising strategy catalog highlights neighborhood strategies that build upon civic engagement and the built environment to cultivate a connected community! As highlighted in our Built Environment Report, Block Parties, often organized by communities, use street spaces for social events with music, games, and meals - extending streets as a communal living room. We are excited to see the city of Boston encouraging residents to connect with their neighbors and experience the joy of building a stronger community through hosting block parties. If you’re in the Boston area, check out this opportunity to apply for grants to host a block party in your neighborhood! Applications are accepted on a rolling basis through July 31st: Check out our Action Guide for promising strategies to build connection in your neighborhood: Read our Built Environment Report for more strategies to transform shared spaces:

Action Guide for Building Socially Connected Communities

Action Guide for Building Socially Connected Communities
