At the AFP LEAD 2024 conference in St. Louis, the Chronicle's senior editor Rasheeda Childress presented some data highlights from our recent proprietary survey of nonprofit leadership. She shared the insights we gained from 355 nonprofit leaders, how they're handling today’s most pressing challenges from fundraising, hiring, board relations, polarization, job tenure, and the challenges of dealing with internal overload. We've compiled our research into a new report, Leadership at the Crossroads. The report features: ? 32 pages of data-driven insights ? 15 personal tips from CEOs working at big and small organizations across the United States ? 6 case studies from leaders in climate, the arts, community, workforce development, and more Learn more or purchase your copy of the report today for $65 at: Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP Global) #AFPLEAD #AFP #fundraising #leadership #philanthropy #data #hiring #research #PhilanthropyReports
Hope you'll take the opportunity to learn more from our new report -- and do let us know what else we can do to help CEOs and all who aspire to leadership roles. And if you're a fundraiser who hopes to be a CEO, here's a great recent article by my colleague Jie Jenny Zhou
Learn more about our leadership survey in this cover story by senior editor Ben Gose who contributed to our new report.