For the first couple of chapters of our existence, Nature was intentionally positioned as a boutique quantitative research agency, with a pedigree in applying advanced analytics to complex and critical marketing and business problems.???We made something of being quant-only, of the particular skill set involved in that, and how it was different from that of our colleagues who had more of a ‘qual’ leaning.?
Looking back, and while there are no doubt certain tools of the trade that are specific to each, it’s become increasingly apparent to me that really, way too much is made of the distinction between qual and quant, or least between the mindset and skillset of the people to claim specialism is one over the other.?
While there’s no doubt that possessing great methodological skills is a must, great researchers – whether they be qual or quant – share in common:
-??????????the ability to get to the heart of the problem before they embark on the evidence-gathering process,
-??????????outstanding time management skills so they can navigate an environment featuring relentless competing time pressures, and
-??????????the ability to report back their findings in a simple, eloquent and impactful way.?
These points of distinction have nothing to do with methodological leaning.?In fact, great qual researchers have more in common with great quant researchers than do the ‘great’ and ‘not so great’ researchers within each discipline.?They orient themselves toward the audience and have a relentless focus on understanding context, outcome, and have a realization that our contribution is ultimately a value-adding means to an end rather than an end in itself.?In actual fact, those who do these well, regardless of their methodological orientation, tend to evolve from being researchers (by which I mean methodological experts) into playing the role of consultant.
Nature’s overall journey has really been one of moving our organisational capability from that of ‘researcher’ to ‘consultant’.?We’ve moved from being advanced quant-only to taking on all forms of quant, and as our role with clients has evolved to strategic evidence-based consultant, we’ve built out other adjacent capabilities with this end in mind.?Two years ago we added Strategy and now, we seriously strengthen our qualitative capability through a key senior hire.?Strategy, Qualitative Consulting and Marketing Science now sit at the heart of our business as some of the brains trust you want in the room when working out where to from here.?While methodological experts, their and our strength lies in the constant drive to consult and not just research.?? #mrx #natureinsights