Join our celebrity callers in the fun of LAWteria via Zoom on Sept. 24. Become a sponsor or purchase a tabla and help support legal aid.
Do you need legal aid, but you’re not sure what is available in your area? This month’s legal aid spotlight shines on Washington legal aid online directories. Check out these links to find a legal aid organization near you: Washington Law Help Legal Aid Directory: WA State Office of Public Defense Legal Assistance Programs: WA State Bar Association – Find Legal Help: #legalaid #legalresearch #civillegalaid #lawlibrary [Image: On a black background, a row of spotlights shines down on a computer monitor. On the monitor is a screenshot of the Washington Law Help Legal Aid Directory. Below the monitor is the URL for the legal aid directory, which is also found at the top of this post.] ?
Swipe ?? to learn more about Clio For Legal Aid and how it supports legal aid service providers in their day-to-days. Learn more about Clio For Legal Aid's features ?
“Can I Get Legal Aid To Help Me?” Legal Aid Services for the Family Law Client in Ontario This blog will give you a brief highlight of the services LAO offers and how the can access this services.
It's important to seek legal representation for your case. Consider contacting a lawyer who specializes in criminal law or legal aid services. They can provide you with the necessary guidance and support. Additionally, if you're in need of financial assistance, explore local community resources or legal aid organizations that may offer help. Stay safe and make sure to prepare any relevant documents for your court appearance.
Are you supporting clients who need legal help and are trying to apply for legal aid? Register for a free legal information webinar on 30 October to learn about our legal aid application process and what key information your clients need to include in their application. Our Information, Advice and Partner Services Executive Director Katrina Smith and our Grants Director Leanne Parker will discuss Legal Aid's means and merits tests, how we consider a client's special circumstances and share tips for completing an application. Interested? More information and register: #LegalAidQld #LegalHelp #CommunityLegalEducation #AccessToJustice