?? HAPPY NATIONAL UMBRELLA DAY ?? · Today, we celebrate an unsung hero of placemaking... the humble umbrella! For planners and placemakers, umbrellas aren't just for rain -- they symbolize shade, shelter, color, comfort, outdoor dining, ambiance and utilitarian joy. Since its debut in Portugal in 2012, the #UmbrellaSkyProject has brightened cities around the world! As the 6th U.S. city to embrace this vibrant installation, the City of Elmhurst brought a splash of color to three downtown locations. Partnering with Elmhurst City Centre and the Elmhurst Public Arts Commission, Teska was thrilled to provide design concepts and planned improvements for one of the three sites located on College Hill Avenue. Highlighted herein are some of the post-install pics, alongside other inspirational umbrella snaps. Thinking of a tactical urbanism project or seasonal installation? Let's brainstorm together! Like an umbrella, we have you covered. There are plenty of low-cost high-win interventions that can spark creativity and make for big impacts. No community should fall victim to "rain delays" when it comes to placemaking, and summer is coming! #UmbrellaSkyProject #Elmhurst #PublicArt #Placemaking #CommunityVibrancy #TeskaAssociates #UrbanDesign Jodi Mariano