Techno Engineering & Associates Group的动态

It's Thursday! ????'?? ?????? ???????????????? ??????! Construction disputes typically involve technical issues as well as issues of delay and quantum and are recognised, as a result, as being notoriously complex and expensive to run. The business of law is changing, and dispute funding is very much an integral part of the future of the global and litigation markets. Much of the growth in third-party funding has been fueled not by an increase in impecunious parties but by well-resourced companies wishing to take the cost of pursuing arbitration off the balance sheet or to use their resources for pursuing other business priorities rather than financing the cost of an arbitration. Don't let complex technical issues drain your resources. Embrace third-party funding to shift the balance in your favor. Let's build a future where disputes are resolved efficiently and effectively! Explore further with us: #TheAlliance #nowinnofee #claimsmanagement #nocost #expertadvice #claimsresolution #professionalresources #constructionindustry #constructionnews #innovation #disputeresolution
