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'Tis the season…for taxes! But don’t worry, we’ve wrapped some financial wisdom in a touch of holiday cheer. ??? ‘Twas the Season for Taxes ‘Twas the night before taxes, and all through the land,? Not a deduction was stirring, no credit on hand.? The W-2s were stacked on the desk with no care,? In hopes that refunds soon would be there. The clients were nestled all snug in their beds,? While visions of tax breaks danced in their heads.? And I with my spreadsheet, and you with your math,? Had just settled down to calculate our path. When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter,? I sprang from my forms to see what was the matter.? Away to the window, I flew in a flash,? Tripping on receipts in my great income dash. The moon on the mess of my itemized heap,? Gave a luster of chaos that made my heart leap.? When what to my wondering eyes should appear,? But a savvy accountant with financial cheer! With a red pen in hand and a brain oh so quick,? I knew at that moment that it must have been Tax Nick.? More rapidly than audits, his strategies came,? And he whistled and shouted and called them by name: “Now, Deductions! Now Credits! Now Investments galore!? On IRAs, Roths, and a Safety Net Store!? To the top of your goals, to the top of your worth,? Let’s grow your net value and prove your true mirth!” As dry forms before the IRS fly,? When they meet with a loophole, lift to the sky.? So, up the deductions, my income did rise,? With smart planning and savings, a newfound surprise. And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof,? The prancing of dollars—a net worth proof!? As I drew in my breath and spun around quick,? In walked that genius—the clever Tax Nick. He was dressed in deductions, from head to toe,? And his tie was pure gold with a 401(k) glow.? A bundle of savings he flung on his back,? And he looked like a broker just opening a pack. His eyes—how they twinkled! His strategy, merry!? His cheeks were like refunds, his nose a tax query!? His droll little mouth was drawn up like a chart,? And the beard on his chin screamed, “Compound growth start!” He spoke not a word but went straight to his work,? And filled out my forms, then turned with a smirk.? And laying a finger aside of his head,? He nodded and grinned, "You’re growing instead!" He sprang to his sleigh, and his team gave a whistle,? And away, they all flew like a financial missile.? But I heard him exclaim as he soared out of sight,? “Grow your net worth to greatness—good luck and good night!”
